Think about it if the bible says we must present our bodies as a living sacrifice to god and we must be holy because god is holy is that really possible, well i would say no and do you wanna no why "well im gonna tell you anyway".Well think about driving our cars we r deliberately polluting the earth which god condems,and what about the food we eat which contaminates our bodies,which i think would really corrupt our bodies,and think about it we are imperfect according to the bible so how can we make ourselves holy.Also imagine a jw has aids and then is prescibed a drug which can corrupt our bodies but helps the patient with his suffering (ie:ganga is given to aids sufferers to help them to regain appetite for eating)But i suppose that would be ok for that purpose.One more thing for the last few months ive been coughing a lot and i havent smoked for years but guess what i smoked a menthol fag today and voila my coughing dissapeared so do you think the fag helped to cure this problem mmmmm i wonder if that is a sin???
does the bible condem smoking??
by master chief 14 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Master: Jesus said that what comes out of a person is what defiles them, not what goes into them. For out of the heart comes wicked reasonings, or righteousness, etc. The Jews, and later soem Christian denominations got caught up in programmed works of what to put in your body and when to create holiness ... whereas, the real focus should have been, according to Christ, those things that emminate out from our hearts and minds.
master chief
thanks amazing what scripture waz that and anymore good scriptures to back me up thankz!!
master chief,
You do not need the Bible to condemn smoking. Surely, common sense does a pretty good job of condemnation itself.
Smoking cigarettes does not improve your health. In an average half to one pack a day smoker, smoking doubles your risk of death by heart failure and stroke, makes a person twelve times more likely to die from lung cancer, ten times more likely to die from other lung diseases, ten times more likely to die of cancer of the larynx, etc. etc. etc. ( World Health Figures ) ….lol Get the picture.
A smoker pays more for insurance, needs more deodorant, spends more money washing curtains and costs you, the tax payer, billions from smoke induced illness.
By the way, I do not smoke….lol
Best regards - HS
Hi Master Chef: The Bible also tells us that "all things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous". So while it may biblically okay to smoke you will have to suffer the consequences of that decision and those consequences could even include death. So you should carefully weigh what the results of your decision will be.
I think the scripture you want is Matt.15:11.I wonder if the priests ever wondered about lung cancer, with all that incense burning, etc.
Whoa there, all!
Please remind yourself that there is no direct mention of smoking in the Bible. As we know, The WTS maintain that it was not possible for the Bible writers to include it because it was not known in the first century. And the WTS apply the "principle" of a scripture text to justify banning smoking. For the WTS a 'principle' is code word for law. Closely related to a DF offense.
However, a person who sticks closely to the Bible will have to acknowledge that if God's Word does not prohibit, then who are we to 'fill in the gaps' as it were?
It seems to me that the WTS heirarchy are often driven to prohibit things that they personally and individually (or their wives!) do not like. It's always possible to ban things by 'applying' a scripture. The Baptist Church bans alcoholic drinks with the 'backing' of several scriptures. The Seventh Day Adventist Church makes the keeping of a weekly sabbath as a tenet of faith.
I hasten to add that ozzie doesn't smoke and I don't like it but that's my personal preference. I would never seek to gain the backing of the Almighty by making scriptures say what they were never intended to say.
Ozzie"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress -
Hi All,
I don't know about the bible condeming smoking, but I sure do. It's expensive, nasty, dangerous, and addictive, along with many other negative traits. In all my 66 years I have never heard anyone say,"I sure an glad I started smoking when I was a kid." My two step-children smoke and I wish I could help them quit but they are addicted beyond their will power.
Having said that, I'm just as quilty of not having will power as I'm about 50 pounds overweight and just keep eating when I shouldn't. It's easy to cast stones.
Ken P.
I agree with Mark Twain: “If there are no cigars in Heaven, I do not want to go!”
Also, tobacco has gotten a bad rap. They are finding that long term pot smokers are not spiking on the cancer list like cigaret smokers like they thought (they hold it in for much longer). SO could it be the process that cigarets go through and the chemicals that are used to treat tobacco?
Since God is omnisicent I often wonder why He made the blooming tobacco plant in the first place. Surely He knew people would become addicted to it and die of lung cancer, etc. Well, if we blame adverse results on abusing tobacco, can anyone tell me beneficial reasons for its existence?