What is your fondest/or not memory of cargroup ...

by ofcmad 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • starfish422

    I grew up in a congregation with almost exclusively rural territory, so there was really no such thing as walking from the KH or from the arrangement to the territory. When I was in my last few years of high school, my best friend and I would go out on Friday afternoons after school to do return visits...which just happened to be a good 45-minute drive to the very far corner of my cong's territory. We would take the loooooooong way of course, and stop and get a snack on the way. Other times, we would go with my best friend's mother and younger siblings, and very often some other young people would come along, then after service we would go back to my best friend's parents' house; all of us teenagers would make dinner and we had a blast.

    And the last year I was in the JWs, the summer I was 17 I auxiliary pioneered in August. We had a great time; aside from the fact that we had to do door-to-door (which I generally despised), I got to spend time with a lot of other young people and we had a lot of fun.

    Definitely the worst thing was running into someone I went to high school with. I HATED calling on those homes, and as I knew where people lived, I would volunteer to go to the house right before those ones, so that my turn wouldn't be up when their homes came up.

    I still have nightmares about going in service.

  • Amazing

    Ofcmad: Oh the memories! The one that bothered me most was an older JW man who could not see or hear well, but always insisted on driving. He would not watch the road, and talked more than drove ... well ... we got into a few fender-benders ... and many finally refused to ride with him.

    My fondest memory in general was the coffee and donut breaks ... or the occasional pick-nic. Thanks.

  • 2SYN

    Right before I left the Borg, I started going out in Wednesday-night FS with a group of pretty cool teenagers from another KH...there were some hot chyckz in this group too, so this was like heaven for me...perving over hot chiqZ while logging FS hours, that seemed so cool back then. Man, we goofed off immensely! I never actually enjoyed it much (although the 'association' after the FS was usually pretty cool, those were the days when I was just starting to learn how to socialize properly etc), but it was a trillion times better than all the other FS I ever did.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • ofcmad

    I still am a police officer. After I left the borg, I applied and two years later, finally got sent to the police academy. I've been doing it for five years and love every minute of it. "Ohhhhh.. the blood curdeling stories" I could tell ya....lol

  • ofcmad

    BTW, I am now a K-9 officer. I used to specialize in child abuse investigations, but due to change of personnel, I only got to work a couple of cases.. both resulting in prision time for the offenders.


  • Scully

    Not too many good memories, other than those 15-minute breaks at the coffee shop...... but the bad ones...... oh my, tons of those!!

    ** When I was about 8 years old, we were working in a wealthy area of the territory, and the properties had LONGGGGGGGGG driveways. So the brother in charge of our car group decided it would be smart to drive between calls because it was horribly cold and drizzly outside, and we treated it kind of like doing return visits. Two would get out, walk down the long driveway to make the call for however long it took, come back to the car, and then drive to the next driveway, where another two would make the call. This worked for a while, and then my mom (who was driving) realized that we'd gotten stuck in a slushy area at one call. She tried backing up, and the wheels spun. She tried going forward, and the wheels spun. The more she would spin the tires, the deeper into the slush/mud the car would go. We tried rocking the car, which didn't work. Anyway, the homeowner came out and started yelling at us, not just for disturbing his privacy, but for wrecking his scrupulously manicured landscaping. He threatened to call the police. I was terrified! My mom was pregnant at the time and broke down and cried, she was so upset. The homeowner ended up calling a tow truck instead. Once the tow truck came and hauled us out of the hole, he asked if we knew who lived in the house. He informed us that it was the man who owned the Molson Corporation!

    Another time, during a Circuit Overseer's visit, I was working with Sister Circuit Overseer. Again it was mid winter and I was freezing because of having to wear a skirt and dressy boots with nylons. My hands were numb, and the pain was excruciating whenever I had to knock on the door. I was maybe 12 years old. The CO had been trying to encourage everyone to work as long as possible, despite the cold. Up here in Canada, it was not unusual for the temperatures to plummet to -30C (-22F), not accounting for wind chill. We had been working for almost 2 hours straight. One minute I was walking along the road with Sister CO, the next thing I remember I was in the car with several coats on top of me with the heater blasting on my legs and hands. I had been so cold that I lost consciousness. My face was white and my lips were cyanotic. I stayed in the car for the rest of the morning.

    <sigh> I'm glad I never put my own kids through that kind of crap!

    Love, Scully

  • closer2fine
    I had been so cold that I lost consciousness. My face was white and my lips were cyanotic. I stayed in the car for the rest of the morning.

    Anyone else have a problem with this statement????? If it was so cold that you lost consciousness - what was wrong with these people that they didn't take you home?????? They keep you in the car for the rest of the morning??? Heartless bastards.


    Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
    Sand and water, and a million years gone by - beth nielsen chapman

  • 2SYN

    C2F: Welcome to the Society, forcing your kids to walk through -30C temperatures to sell books to line the pockets of a bunch of old men in New York. Oh yeah, did I tell you that they are the channel of God and that angels speak through them?

    If you're laughing even a fraction as hard as I am right now, you are probably on the floor!!!

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • Wren

    Scully, FS just about killed you! Sometimes there are paybacks.

    The Day We Tortured the CO

    It was the end of summer and all the teenagers were getting in their month or more of vacation pioneering. We had a fairly large, mixed, group of older teens for a small congregation. We lived in a Pacific NW coastal town.

    The congregation was getting a new CO. This was officially his first week ever as a full fledged circuit overseer. We, the young pioneers, would go out six to a car group. Naturally one morning the new CO took his turn with us. We had a territory checked out that was up in the hills and also happened to have a lot of ornery logger and fisherman do not calls.(most of our groups parents were in the same trade as the DNCs) This was when do not calls were a new thing and few took it serious.

    By the time we got to the territory, the guys decided to see what the new CO was made of, for a good joke. Keeping the territory card hidden, the CO was set up to go to all the DNCs. We would take the doors in between then with a voice full of adulation say "I really would like to hear your presentation at this door". We deliberatly parked the car facing the door to watch the yelling, cussing, dogs turned loose, fireworks but far enough away to not be heard doubled over laughing. He asked "Are most people this opposed?"

    The worst DNC was saved for last. He might threaten to go for his gun but it was all bluff. We parked in the direction of the driveway exit for a quick get away. The driver rushed the CO with "This is the last door, why don't you take it quick and then we can meet on time for lunch" He was so new, he took the bait and went by himself. He finally got a not at home.

    Needless to say it was RV's that afternoon.

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