Why Jehovah’s Witnesses Keep Knocking on Your Door
Jehovah’s Witnesses keep coming to your door because they don’t want you to be destroyed at Armageddon.
All members believe they belong to the only True religion and every religion except theirs is from the Devil, and that God will destroy everyone for not being a Jehovah’s Witness at Armageddon. If they stop preaching they are told they too will perish because they didn’t warn their neighbor, and will be held blood guilty for their deaths at Armageddon.
They have been conditioned to have great faith in the Watchtower and to let the Watchtower control their life and their thinking, to them this is a matter of life, or eternal death. I know,.. I was one for 29 years, and sat through many hours of indoctrination where we were repeatedly told not to rebel against the leaders of the Watchtower.
Most Witnesses will not come right out and tell you these facts because they have been trained to use “theocratic strategy" and not tell you more than you can handle at your level of “spirituality” (indoctrination). Have a weekly Bible study with them (which last ½ year or more) and you will eventually be taught never to doubt the Watchtower because it, and it a lone is God’s Organization that one must be humble and submit to be saved.
I was Disfellowshipped 7/01 from Jehovah’s Witnesses because I questioned their teachings (I live in Sunnyvale, Ca.). The Jehovah Witnesses Tribunal is an ordeal to experience. First I was summons to their court in which I was not given a fair hearing, and disfellowshipped. I was disfellowshipped for “speaking against God’s only true Organization”. No member is allowed to speak contrary to the Watchtower’s teaching, the penalty is disfellowshipment from all your friends you have made over the years. Even my family members who are still JW’s will not let me visit them or fellowship with them any more. I have a granddaughter who will not acknowledge my presents if she sees me, for fear she too could be disfellowshipped, and loose her everlasting life.
David Wiltshire.
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?