Zev, I checked it, nothing there yet, unless you're going by a different name. I'll check again in a little while.
Fred, Didn't mean to get under your fur. I'm not throwing eggs at anyone. Never have. I think most JWs would be shocked to know what really goes on. I'm not saying it doesn't happen elsewhere. It does. Just because the borg makes a claim that they are the only organization representing God, doesn't make it so.
Moses and others represent God and they were proud of doing it. However, they were not perfect and they never claim to be perfect.
There are big differences. First of all the Watchtower organization/Jehovah's Witnesses were never chosen to be God's people or nation.
Also, all of the wrongs done by Moses and the rest of the Israelites were always brought out into the open, for all to see, both then and throughout the hundreds of years that followed.
If all of the wrongs of the Watchtower were brought out into the light of day, for all to see, the Watchtower would collapse within weeks.
"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love." Lao-tzu
The point here isn't that we're all fixated on Dub foibles, but that the Dub PR spin says they have no foibles/ As you've said, you can think of things that "weren't right" for one reason or another. But I'd bet a nickle right now that if you brought these things to light, you would be confronted with denials and then with ad-nominem attacks, and then you'd be shunned. It is very unlikely that at any point along the way someone would say, you're right. I was wrong, and I repent. Thank you for pointing out my errror."
This is why so many of us keep saying that the Dubs are NO DIFFERENT from the "WORLD" they despise - they are as FALSE a religion as any other. Judge the Dubs by the same measuring rod they apply to the rest of Christendom. What have the Dubs said lately about the Catholic pederast Priests? Yet they'll tell you that SilentLambs is a big fat lie.
Zev, Sorry, I checked 'em all and nothing yet. I'm going to dinner at a friend's house now. I'll check it when I get back. I'll email you then, one way or the other. Thanks!
The P.O. at the Colima cong, Whittier CA USA was found to have been having an affair with a MS's wife. The only way they found out? I hacked his email and found the proof and sent it along to the "right" people. "right" meaning not the "wise men" of the bunch. They all knew what was going on but they covered it up because it was their grand wizard. Not until I slapped all of them with the "truth" did they take action.
Religion doesn't hurt people, religious fanatics do!
Your story was NOT gossip...because even though you have changed the names...those same characters are in every congregation I know of. Except 'different faces in different places'.
As for hypocrisy...where to start. I think where the hurt kicks in is when we are shunned by people who loved us when were in the truth...but who now think we're sludge because we're out. Yet these very ones are doing things themselves that raises the eyebrows...except they are better at concealing it then others.
I can understand the hypocrisy however...as there is an incredible amount of pressure on people who have been raised in the truth and who's entire family are witnesses...their whole existence is JW related. Where do they go if they fall short? What should they do if they can't live up to the high standards?? Usually they do what they can...and try and get away with it as best they can. That way they don't lose their good name...their friends...their families...and their honour. Its not until you leave that you realise you are better off being free of all that guilt and fear.