When I was a super dub we met someone in field service that used to be a witness. We asked him why he left and he said because the organization could not explain why wild cats had sharp teeth. I walked away thinking "That poor man is going to lose his life for such a stupid thing"
does the watchtower still believe this?
by lastchance 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
magwitch; LOL. I was ask, how long have your religion
been around, (me) since Adam and Eve, they were JW,s.
We knew it all, how dare they ask us such stupid questions.
Poor souls, some will never obtain true knowledge.
Anybody hear about grey nurse sharks, also known as sand tiger sharks? They have a double uterus which ensures a double birth. That's because all the other embryos are devoured by their siblings until just one is left in each uterus - the strongest.
Share it with some dubs and watch their reaction - certainly has them stumped... 'whatever was Jehovah thinking?'
This is great stuff keep it coming!
We've so far been mostly focused on mammals and reptiles. How about insects? I've often wondered what purpose mosquitos served in gods grand purpose. So far nothing makes sense. The only function mosquitos serve is to annoy the hell out of everything, and speading population controlling diseases.
Or how about spiders with hemo toxins, like black widows. A hemo toxin (Gabon Vipers have this too) causes your entire vascular system to desentigrate and you bleed out internally, causing the most excruciating death imaginable. That's just beautiful isn't it?
King Solomon
No worries about mosquitos: I suspect in the New System, they'll lose their appetite for blood and will live on nectar dripping from the lion's mouth from eating fruit!
ALTHOUGH, the fact that female mosquitos live only on blood raises a disturbing question about YHWHs violating his own, "Thou Shalt Not Eat Blood" commandment, by creating an insect that does exactly that in order to survive.....
That mosquito is going to have some explaining to do, as YHWH made it clear he will demand an accounting for spilled blood... Shouldn't be that hard, as the mosquito only has to turn it back on God, ie "But YHWH, you made us that way!!!". On the other hand, that excuse didn't work for Adam and Eve.....
No worries about mosquitos: I suspect in the New System, they'll lose their appetite for blood and will live on nectar, dripping from the lion's mouth!
Yea...or maybe they will be converted to beautiful butterflys, to fly around the wild hogs that are now unicorns. That is perfect timing too because there will be no more deet!
bump, use this thread not the other duplicate one floating around.
This beleif has to be revisited and revised if they want anyone with a thinking mind to.take them seriously. Or maybe that's it they don't want anyone that thinks. Got it.