Oompa, you've been through so much, and survived it all successfully. I share so much of what you are feeling.
I never replaced any friends. I have a couple of nice friends I go out for a drink with occasionally, but no one real close. My family is my daughters and that's it, really. I've made a few overtures to my JW sister, but we have so little in common that it's hard to sustain a relationship. I think I would find that to be true of any JW now. It's like hanging out with someone who speaks a completely different language and who has no desire to learn English. The lack of friends never bothered me much, I don't get lonely by myself, which helps, I guess. But I am beginning to feel it more as I get older, feeling more isolated and wondering what the future might hold, particularly when I think of growing old alone.
We all cry tears inside at times. I think it's a necessary part of cleaning out the rot JWism put there. As a little red headed girl once said, "The sun will come out tomorrow - it's only a day away." It's hard to stay positive, but it can get easier. I think the best way to do that is to keep looking forward, not backward. Hang in there!