Personal Qualifications Report - Interesting notes on this one...
by MC RubberMallet 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
MC RubberMallet
In the first paragraph, it instructs the person filling out the app to NOT submit one of these for a sister if her husband does not meet minimum qualifications of whatever capacity of service. Does that mean some brothers are not fully qualified for some assignments, but they get appointed because of their wife? As in "She would be good in the traveling work! Oh him, i guess he will do as a CO. I guess. There's no clear reason to NOT appoint him. I guess."
This is the first time I've seen this one. The more I see forms like this the more I realize this is just another big corporation doing a performance
review of it's employees
Gooooooooood grief....
As hoser said, it's basically a performance review - and more complicated than many business corporation reviews:
Sample Performance Review Questions-Employee
Inadequate (1) Needs Improvement (2) Meets Expectations (3) Exceeds Expectations (4) Exemplary (5)
Job Knowledge
_____ Demonstrates ability and skills necessary to fulfill job requirements_____ Demonstrates adequate problem solving skills
_____ Meets challenges effectively
_____ Has a clear understanding of company objectives/vision
_____ Meets attendance requirements_____ Arrives on time for work and returns from breaks punctually
_____ Puts in a required daily work hours
Work Quality
_____ Responds effectively to required tasks_____ Prioritizes tasks
_____ Organizes time efficiently
_____ Manages pressure well
_____ Adequately utilizes available resources
_____ Puts company objectives/vision above personal ambition
_____ Ability to take immediate and effective action when plans change
_____ Shares new and creative ideas_____ Identifies problem areas and offers solutions
_____ Looks for inefficiencies
_____ Provides alternate solutions
Communication Skills
_____ Takes direction well_____ Effectively communicates needs, concerns, or issues
_____ Offers constructive suggestions appropriately
_____ Listens to others
_____ Written communication clear and actionable
_____ Demonstrates electronic communication etiquette
_____ Open to constructive criticism
_____ Meets commitments_____ Takes responsibility for actions
_____ Completes tasks
_____ Offers support to others where appropriate
_____ Trusted by peers
_____ Assumes responsibilities in areas of strength
I think if a company described an employee as "lazy" like the WT example in this form they would get their pants sued off
I`m sure somebodys going to point out their is no WT letterhead on this document
just saying
Yup....just another performance appraisal form , like the ones I hated at work. After all these people are in "full time service"
I can rest assure you that this thing is real. I had to review hundreds of them, during my work in the Service Department.
There is another one for internal use (similar to this one, color of paper is different): for Bethelites, DO's and higher ups. You should have read the comments. Some CO's would go into creepy, extended details about the person. Some CO's would not be satisfied with just answering these questions. Nope. They had to add lengthy letters with whatever dirt they could find about the individual.
Internal ones had another color, to distinguish them from "regular folks", also to give them higher confidentiality status (you don't want a report like this one about the DO "mixed up" with regular pioneers.
Some of them where very very funny to read. But that is topic for another thread.
The wife thing is: some CO's where dumb like wood and would recommend a couple for Circuit Work or for Bethel, but the husband was, for Dub-World really some lazy materialistic "pig", wifey would put in a gazillion of hours, recruit every neighbour and their dog. This is a bad combination.
lol @ "stiff mannered" being a negative trait of dubs. I always thought being stiff was their goal.
MC RubberMallet
smiddy - I`m sure somebodys going to point out their is no WT letterhead on this document
just saying
You can read some of my earlier threads. I have many apps and documents from the society. All authentic.