Breaking News: Neil Armstrong Died Today

by NewChapter 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Glander

    When I heard the news I stopped what I was doing and reflected on that day in 1969, at Dodger Stadium, when I wanted to be in front of a TV but was setting in the bleachers listening to drivel.

    He is right up there with Columbus, et al, as an historical icon.

    I appreciated his refusal to turn his celebrity into a side$how. Ala, Buzz the ding dong Aldrin.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    I was 14 that wonderful summer of 1969. Neil showed the generation of Boomers that anything is possible and that the tragedy of Appolo 1 was not lost on a very brave bunch of men and their equally brave wives and families. Ad Astra Neil.

  • titch

    Glander: I had just returned home for Dodger Stadium on July 20th, 1969, just in time to see it on TV. My parents had the TV on---they had attended to "other matters" that day, and didn't attend the International Assembly on its final day. I was 15 at the time.


  • GLTirebiter

    I remember watching it, the tension of the landing, the thrill of the first step off the ladder, the "will it fire" anxiety before they lifted off for the return trip.

    RIP Neil Armstrong, soft-spoken explorer and inspiring hero!

  • Twitch

    Though I was too young to remember it, the moon landings were a monunmental event in our history. Armstrong's name will live as long as humanity does. Quite the honor and I respected the man even more for his choice to live his life out quietly in private and not selling out to fame.

    R.I.P. Neil Armstrong

  • smiddy

    By all accounts Neil Armstrong was a man to be admired , I worked at Kodak in melbourne at the time of his historic landing on the moon.The division I worked in set up a tv in the lunch room for all to witness the event being televised live.I will never forget it.

    R.I.P.Neil Armstrong


  • smiddy

    And by the way Prognoser

    Your an Idiot


  • still thinking
  • ZeusRocks

    Prognoser, you're a stupid arse. Show some damn respect. At least one consolation is that the name Neil Armstrong will never be forgotten, but one day you will.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    He was the ideal person to be the first to walk on another workld, reflecting what is good in humankind - modest, fiercely loyal to his family, country and team members while never backing down from a challenge. Ad Astra.

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