James said:
This psycopath cannot be rehabilitated. But - He should NEVER be released under any circumstances even if he could be, due to the gravity of this crime.
When our murder/crime rates and "% of population incarcarated" drop below theirs, then perhaps we could lecture them on how to operate their criminal justice system.
The guy went all-American Psycho far-Right xenophobic militant on them, armed with semi-automatic firearms, hunting down kids trapped on an island (the children of elite liberals, if that makes you feel a bit more relieved by the sentence).
The guy seemed to fall victim to the Functional Illiterati conspiracy-thinking, as has recently been seen on this forum (eg "cultural Marxist" rants were found in what he wrote before he started shooting kids). So add him to the list of the Neo-Nazi in MN, the Illiterati guy who crashed his plane into the IRS in TX a few years ago, the Fed Bldg bomber in OK, Unibomber Ted Kaczinski, etc. The body-count from such Far-Right conpiracy hate-group conspiratorial nut-jobs grows....
144001 said:
And their strict gun control laws likely increased the casualties in this tragedy . . .
Perhaps if the kids on the vacation island were allowed to carry handguns, there'd be a different outcome?
BTW, the sentence was the maximum sentence under Norway law; it can (and almost certainly will) be extended as he goes. He likely will spend the rest of his life in prison, since they haven't found a cure for schizophrenia/narcissistic personality disorder yet....
So save the "socialism is evil!" crap for another thread: I could think of a NO MORE INAPPROPRIATE time to mention it, when these CHILDREN died at the hands of an Islamophobic anti-socialist nut-job....