This will come as no shock to most of us. But I wanted to detail the reasons in simple language for our Witness friends in my latest blog: You Can't Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. Sorry if it bursts anyone's bubble, but those who are loyal to the truth surely won't mind following where it leads.
You Can't Live Forever in Paradise on Earth
by smmcroberts 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
dazed but not confused
dont you know that jehovah will keep refueling the sun some how miraculously... according to my mother... cant make this shit up. i thought the sun would burn out some day too but nope!
I'm sure I've read in the Magazine that "forever" should not be taken too literally. Forever in WT-speak is merely a very, very long time. Kind of like a generation.
First of all, the Bible shows quite plainly that Adam and Eve could not have been perfect beings who would’ve naturally lived forever if they had not sinned. No; Gen. 3:22 plainly tells us that God had to remove them from the Garden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life and thereby living forever. The implication being that if they didn’t eat from that tree they would not live forever. Therefore they were dying from the start (just as we are), and hence were imperfect. So it wasn’t the case that a perfect man had to die to cover the sin of a perfect man; Adam wasn’t perfect.
Excellent point that I had never noticed before.
The fact about the sun is very valid, and just a shame that JWs are so used to dismissing contradictory information that they will simply say "God will refuel the sun" despite doing so going against all the rules of the universe that he apparently created to work in quite the opposite manner.
God had to remove them from the Garden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life and thereby living forever
I used to ask this same question and similar ones as a kid.
Why did God keep the tree of life around and have to post Cherubs with revolving swords at the entrance of the garden if his plan was to have Jesus die for mankind to gain everlastion life again ?
If there was an entrance to the garden, what if Adam and Eve simply went a few miles down the road and snuck in and ate of the tree when God wasn't looking like he wasn't looking when they ate the forbidden fruit ? It seems like God was afraid that if they accomplished that, he would be powerless against them. He wouldn't be able to take everlasting life back once they had it and therfore would have nothing to hold over them.Would he still be almighty?
How come there had to be a tree of life if they were already perfect and were meant to live forever?
The fact is, if you beleive any of this stuff is literal, then it's easy to convince yourself that god will do a whole bunch of other stuff to make it all work out the way you want it to. The extent of what he might do is directly proportionate to the limits of your own imagination. All people know the same truth, our lives direction is determined by how we choose to distort it.
King Solomon
Leo, I always like to ask any Xian who brings up the 2nd law of thermodynamics (usually done to tell me why evolution couldn't have happened) to name any OTHER law of thermodynamics, their choice...
They usually just give me a deer-in-the-headlights stare:
It is gems like this that I am so glad I found this site,excellent
Something is going to happen to smash or incinerate the earth. Invariably, in time, the sun is going to swallow up the planets out to Jupiter's orbit when it becomes a red giant. You will not live to see it, because that will be a few billion years from now. Of course, there is no assurance that a rogue planet or encounter with a star won't send the earth crashing into the sun or knock it out of the solar system, or smash into the earth and have it become another asteroid belt in a zillion pieces, long before then.
And what is Jehovah going to do about that? Nothing.
St George of England
The implication being that if they didn’t eat from that tree they would not live forever. Therefore they were dying from the start (just as we are), and hence were imperfect. So it wasn’t the case that a perfect man had to die to cover the sin of a perfect man; Adam wasn’t perfect.
Groan. Why oh why did I not see such things before I was 60+ years down the road? I have read this stuff since being a toddler, studied the old Paradise book when it was relased in 1958 and never thought to question anything. Brainwashing in action.