How much do you want to bet, that in the next year or two, the Governing Body will get "new light" and change their name to Jehovah's Christian Witnesses"?
Jehovah's Christian Witnesses
by LoisLane looking for Superman 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
I'll take the "No," side and bet $100.
Actually,I don't believe they will,since we were told not to say that out in service. There is supposedly an "apostate" group who goes by Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. At least,that is what I was told.
You are correct, EmptyInside. There is a schismatic sect of Jehovah's Witnesses that goes by the name Jehovah's Christian Witnesses. I think there is a small group of them in the Seattle area. By the way shortly after the Rutherford coup in 1917, a group of Bible Students broke away from the Watchtower. They were called the Stand Fast movement and they were mostly located in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. and British Columbia in Canada. So it's possible that the JWs from that part of the country are more independent in their thinking.
Maybe there are some ex-JWs from Washington State that have more information on the JCWs.
Ray Franz was fond of the term and you know what happened to him. If he said it, wrote it, or liked it, it is no longer acceptable. Congregations that had signs that said Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses were told they must remove Christian from the signs. The WT$ is correct they are NOT Christian.
LoisLane looking for Superman
Thanks, all of you for your comments.
I thought since they have signed off on some official correspondence as "Jehovah's Christance Witnesses", they were letting "us" get used to that idea.
yadda yadda 2
Nothwithstanding all that, the point is it would make a lot of sense for them to do it. Their current name makes them sound like a quasi-Jewish cult and not Christian at all (there is a good argument that they are in fact just that). Even my mother who has been a devoted Witless for 43 years and never read anything apostate thinks they should change their name to this. But alas, the almighty creator of the universe was trumped by a tiny, obscure ex-JW group getting rights to it first. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Their letterhead has on it, "Christian Congregation of Jehovan's Witnesses". This way they affiliate them selves with the word Christian but keep the name different than the other group to avoid any legal entanglements.
OK, but I'm still interested in a bet? Do we have anyone on the other side willing to make a wager?
Witness My Fury
n the meantime, this imposter GB has not had "new light" in 20 years,
Utter bollocks, per usual. Faulty premise, faulty "logic", = bonkers conclusions.