I was just thinking the other day why is there not service meeting part like my title says. I mean that would really be helpful to those who totally believe the no collage thing. Since they do not want anyone to have any education why don't they at the very least try to help them to be happy living a life of poverty with service meetings parts, since everyone would be in poverty if they really listened to the FDS.
Like a part on how not to be upset when anther brother buys a new car parks it two blocks from the hall so as not to get door dings in it and rides all day in your car and does not give you a dime for gas. Or how not to be sad and look forward to the future when you really want to have kids while out in service with the elder and his wife who had seven.
I know the answer of course but thinking about it now I realize that even the GB didn't want anyone to really follow their stupid rules. If everyone pioneered and had no kids, no money, etc where would the religion be. The GB are relying on the kids, of the kids who they told not to have kids to support them now.
It is all so crazy.