Why would a Swingers Club Want to Become a Religion?

by cha ching 20 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    " A Nashville swingers club has undergone a conversion — it now says that it is a church — in order to win city approval, so that it can open next to a Christian school." (Associated Press)

    The article explains, "a church is something that cannot be defined under the U.S. Constitution"....

    WT lawyers explain to the court all of the time; 'you can't interfere with our internal church policies, or you will be infringing on our first amendment rights.'


  • DJS
    It makes sense to me, and it isn't any wackier than a lot of mainstream religions. At least at the swingers' club, unlike other religions, you know how and by whom you are getting screwed.
  • Viviane
    Sex has always been a big part of religion. Why wouldn't they want to?
  • Finkelstein

    Just another organized group of people exploiting the power of religion as its structured in the United States.

    Well look what the Scientologists did, they claimed it was a religion and got tax free status, they even went and put a Cross on the front of their buildings, which are really brainwashing training centers.

    If they perform a religious service where they attend, they might even get away with it.

    .........and we say these things in the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost ... Amen

    ...........OK everybody its ok to strip down and get giggy .

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast
    I would have said that a church that became a swingers' club is a bit more predictable.
  • Viviane
    Think of it this way, there is already a lot of screaming "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD"! and maybe even "OH JESUS YES! YES YES YES OH JESUS!"
  • DJS
    The upscale clubs have dinner and breakfast bars with really good food. . . .At least that's what I've been told. And you don't have to fantasize about what Sister Mary Elizabeth looks like without her clothes. Much better than church.
  • DesirousOfChange

    The upscale clubs have dinner and breakfast bars with really good food. . . .At least that's what I've been told. And you don't have to fantasize about what Sister Mary Elizabeth looks like without her clothes. Much better than church.

    Loved that line.

    Better yet, you could say, that's what someone told a friend of mine.


  • Heaven
    Do they get tax exempt status?
  • Finkelstein

    Yes if they get legally identified as chartable religious organization.

    Churches get way with that as you know and if they are registered as a religion, they usually dont have to pay property taxes as well.

    Its a swinging good time

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