My 19 year old son show me a site on internet where they show a lot of pictures from our books, and if you look very carfully you can see ddifrent ocult signs, or perhaps guess it is something like this, someone here who have knowlege of this things here, it was new for me, and very confusing, perhaps i give you the link later.
Occult pictures in JW books?
by happy man 13 Replies latest jw friends
Some of those images can be seen at
Scroll down to "Sublimal images" and click. -
I'm no Watchtower apologist by any stretch, but most of that stuff just seems really silly to me. Perhaps there are some real prank images, but I believe that most of the fuss is due to overactive imaginations. There are much bigger issues with the Watchtower than a few pictures that you have to look at sideways and with your eyes squinted to see some fuzzy occult images.
"We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
I've seen several different sites regarding WT "artwork" and it's subliminal effects. However, long before I had heard of, or seen any of these sites...I'd always see this garbage over at my mom's house and you know what? From an outsiders point of view...I thought it was some of the most disturbing stuff I'd ever seen. I'm not sure what "it" is but somemething about it isn't right.
happy man,
Thanks for the link. Hadn't seen that one! Reading how some people grew up in the organization and how their childhood experiences were rooted in wonder, some of those images are downright creepy.
Artists are notoriously rperessed by religious organizations. It's been a historical thing, ever since artists were mainly commisioned by the church to paint religious scenes. Usually the artists were hiding things such as homosexuality or they really would rather paint other things.
The JW artists may be suffering from the same repression and so possibly hid images in their art as a sort of way to 'sign' them since they aren't allowed to take credit for it. Artists are weird people, you never know. The same thing happened with disney animators.
I found some of them to be a product of imagination. But some other ones seemed real.. the one I keep asking about is the one with the two women, and the angel over the car pic.. they talk about the face in the dress, but never do they ever mention the dog with it's lead in it's mouth, as if pulling the woman away...
just a thought.ofcmad
An exJW friend told me about the pics a long time ago and sent me photocopies, but the quality was bad. Then I read Derek Barefoot's book, and the quality was better. Some of them still seemed iffy to me, though. Eventually I decided to look at the originals, so I actually ordered some bound reprint volumes of the WT and other publications so I could see for myself.
To my mind, the picture that shows the clearest evidence of deliberate mischief by the artists is the one with the movie marquis in the background. If you look, it is a duplex cinema, and the two movies that are showing are:
1) Jest Tups (R)
2) Thru Daily (R)This cannot be the name of some musician "Jest Tups" who will be performing daily, because the (R) rating is shown after each line, indicating that these are meant to be movie titles showing in cinema 1 and cinema 2.
The first line is clearly an anagram. Reverse T-U-P-S and you get
"Jests Put Thru Daily".Once you have deciphered this boast by the WT artists, it is apparent that many of the other images really are deliberate jests.
(The movie marquis picture is on p. 10 of the Watchtower, November 1, 1989.)
I'm not convinced that all of the occult symbols in Darek Barefoot's book are really there, but many of them are very plain.
Even more disturbing is the way the organization handled Barefoot's revelation. They killed the messenger (DF'd him and his family, loyal JW's who could not deny the evidence of their own eyes).
I remember about 6 or 7 years ago, people were posting messages on the JW section of Compuserve, claiming that the WT's annual picture calendar had a picture of a green man hiding in a shrub.
I just recently read an interesting book, called the "Hour of Darkness" it is an excellent read about one man and his crusade against the Society on the subject of subliminal messages and occult pictures.
I would have never believed it if i hadn't seen with my own eyes. And I remember many years ago my mother pointed out a picture in the Wt or Aw of a women whose skirt had a pic of the Devil. She pointed it out to others, but then the subject was dropped. Interesting.HINDSIGHT IS 20/20