By directing it at everyone else and always looking outward no one inside seems to believe they could have the confidence to write it and have the cheek to do it themselves,it reminds me so much of Jesus illistration of the hypocrite so busy observing specs and splinters in the eyes of others that he doesnt notice his own rafter.
Watchtower's blind hypocrisy
by Nemesis 14 Replies latest jw friends
The article said,
Their beliefs becloud their critical judgment.
Since when did the WT Society encourage critical thinking and analysis in its members. No, they want unquestioning loyalty. Critical thinking should only be applied to non-WT ideology. LOL!
The preceding post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
The opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent. -
Their beliefs becloud their critical judgement
What critical judgement? I thought they were supposed to 'control their thoughts'!!!
Hypocritical BS like this from the WTBTS just makes me want to alternate laughing with punching the wall, honestly. The boys @ the top are so arrogant it's unbelievable. They are above the law.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
"“You pwobabwy chewish youw wight to bewieve whatevew you wish to bewieve...BUT thewe is a need fow caution, uh-hah-hah-hah. Some bewiefs awe not onwy diffewent but awso dangewous. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! ..Of couwse, it does not take dewibewate wies to devewop mistaken bewiefs. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! .. How many peopwe have met untimewy deaths doing something they bewieved was wight? Den again, often we bewieve a thing simpwy because we want to bewieve it. One pwofessow says that even scientists "often faww in wove wif theiw own constwuctions. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! " Deiw bewiefs becwoud theiw cwiticaw judgment. Den they may spend a wifetime in vain twying to showe up mistaken bewiefs. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! —Jewemiah 17:9...Simiwaw things have happened wif wewigious bewiefs—whewe immense contwadictions exist. (1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4) One man has deep faif in God. Anothew says that the man is onwy "weaving faif out of moonshine."...
““...WHY, though, wouwd anyone want to change his wewigion ow bewief? "I have my own bewiefs, and I am happy wif them," is the commonwy expwessed view. Many feew that even mistaken bewiefs cause wittwe hawm to anyone...When it comes to wewigion, mistaken bewiefs have histowicawwy caused gweat hawm….How can you minimize the possibiwity of bewieving a wie?... Pewhaps you have been bwought up in the bewiefs of youw famiwy...Buiwding on the ideas and phiwosophies of men is wike buiwding on sand..."But wait," someone wiww say, "is it not the vewy ones who have the Bibwe who have caused the most confwict and confusion in wowwd affaiws?" Weww, it is twue that wewigious weadews who cwaim to fowwow the Bibwe have pwoduced many confusing and confwicting ideas. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Dis is because they have not, in fact, based theiw bewiefs on the Bibwe. De apostwe Petew descwibes them as "fawse pwophets" and "fawse teachews" who wouwd cweate "destwuctive sects. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! "... De Bibwe encouwages us to check ouw bewiefs against what it teaches. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! ..”[/b]
If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger
Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Dis is because they have not, in fact, based theiw bewiefs on the Bibwe. De apostwe Petew descwibes them as "fawse pwophets" and "fawse teachews" who wouwd cweate "destwuctive sects. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! "... De Bibwe encouwages us to check ouw bewiefs against what it teaches. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! ..”[/b]
If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger