Thanks for all the great replies ! I really appreciate it !
ON THE WAY OUT- Very interesting that your sleep apnea may affect your dream recollection ! It makes sense what you're saying indeed. My older JW dad has sleep apnea and has to wear a breathing mask device at night, I don't believe I have sleep apnea though I do snore some. I wear nose strips to open up the nostrils more when I sleep to breathe easier. Maybe having the nose strips helps me get deeper sleep. I hope.
BLINDNOMORE- Hey hello friend ! Good to hear from you. Very interesting thoughts you have on my dream, thanks for giving me your take ! I definitely do find comfort in pursuing music which helps me to somewhat bury the past JC traumas and move on, good observation. IIt's interesting in most of the occasional dreams I have about JWs and the elders it seems I always take my power back at the end of the dream from the powermonger elders and WT society. Perhaps because I'm doing just that in real life, my subconscious mind is reaffirming that to me. Good point you make about me hating unjust, unfair people and abusive situations towards women & children as I'm always ranting about that LOL ! ( as you know ). I am holding out hope for my older daughter. I just think some day she may exit the cult. It was very comforting waking up next to Mrs. Flipper for sure after a crazy dream like that !
I'm so sorry you had such a horrific nightmare as well about the unjust elders in dealing with your childrens situation. You should be very proud that you have literally RUN for your life in real life my friend in protecting your children for sure by exiting the cult. I feel your dream certainly emphasized how your subconscious mind is TOTALLY aware of truly how dangerous these WT society appointed elders can be and it's like your mind was giving you a message in that dream to protect your children, as you ARE doing now. Good for you, keep it up ! Thanks for your take and opinion , I respect it indeed.
LONG HAIR GAL- I agree I think writing dreams down is very helpful to sort out our subconscious thoughts in our waking hours from our dreams. Yeah, I don't have these dreams too often about the JW cult or Armageddon or anything- just occasionally as it's in the back of our mind at times. I'm glad you aren't having any more dreams that often about Armageddon or JW activities. It can tend to be disconcerting at times. I don't worry about it too much. It's just my mind trying to talk to me and sort things out. Thanks for your take !
BLONDIE- Very interesting you've been involved in a sleep study and do dream research, really cool. Thanks for the link to the scientific American in " How to control dreams ". I'll definitely read it ! Sounds very informative. I have read several books by therapists and psychologists dealing with dreamwork seminars like Frederick Perls books on Gestalt Therapy and a couple books by a therapist out west here named Dr. Emmitt Miller . Some very good, informative info which has helped me recognize the meanings in my dreams to internalize them in the here and now . I don't think I need to see a therapist over it as I'm not freaked out or anything about it , it's not robbing me of my joy or interferring with my normal activities, but I'd certainly pursue that option if the dreams became way too common and occured constantly. Thanks for the good advice !
TRUTHSEEKER- I feel for you my friend. I've had weird JW dreams also where people are shunning me and turn their heads away, even one time I dreamed that my daughters did that, then I woke up and found out the dreams were a reality. I guess our brains are subconsciously trying to sort it out how people could treat us that way ! Thats good that you don't give your talks in your dreams- it shows you don't believe in what they say or teach, it's hit home deep with you in your inner mind. And that's a good thing !
MOSHE- I'm happy to hear you are out of the JW clutches now for 24 years now ! Good for you ! I'm glad you don't have any WT nightmares or dreams anymore. I look forward to someday having that also