Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-26-2012 WT Study (HOLY SPIRIT)

by blondie 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Hi, Blondie!!

    Thanks for posting this!!

  • ziddina
    "...Without the Holy Scriptures, our primary teacher would be personal experience. ..." paragraph 1

    They've - got - to - be - kidding......

    Really? SERIOUSly???

    What about all those LIBRARIES filled with the knowledge of the ages???


    Oh, and paragraph 2 - clever little weasel-wording there:

    "The sad reality, though, is that some have allowed the love they first had for Bible truth to cool off. ..."

    Note - Bible "truth", rather than the bible itself... As Blondie pointed out, they don't want those obedient little JWs reading the bible itself - just the Writing Department's blather.

  • ziddina

    Here's another goody from paragraph 4...

    "How, though, was God's message transmitted by holy spirit to Bible writers? Did they receive precise wording or just ideas that they could express in their own words? ..."

    So, they pose the question, but instead of letting a variety of bible verses explain the means of transmission, they do what is almost a 'bait & switch", to this idiotic illustration:

    "...Consider how a businessman might compose a letter. ..."

    Yeeeaaaahhhh, Jehovah is the great "corporate leader" and the Gov.bod are members of his "Board of Directors".... Actually, according to the rest of the paragraph, the Gov.bod are more like secretaries...

  • ziddina

    Paragraph 8 [which I'm not going to quote here - please see above] gives a very brief overview of many of the 'other' religious texts in the world, then the beginning of paragraph 9 states:

    "While most major books of religion say very little, if anything, about God, ..."

    How would they know? Have they actually ever READ any of those other holy books???? Or just skimmed them or worse yet, read another Christian apologist's summary of those books, without ever having cracked one open to find out what it really said?

  • ziddina

    Paragraph 11:

    "...The vast and reliable wisdom found in the Bible also indicates that the book is from a Source higher than man. The apostle Paul wrote: "Who has come to know the mind of Jehovah, that he may instruct him?" ..."

    Ah, SOMEbody needs to instruct "Jehovah" as to the fact that the sun had to be created BEFORE "light" came to shine upon the earth; the earth ISN'T a flat circle with the sun, moon and stars "fixed into the firmament" above, that there never were any "waters above" to come crashing down to earth during the "great flood" that also never happened...

    And so on.

  • ziddina

    Oh, cool!!

    Andre and his new friends show up in paragraph 14!

    And paragraph 16 - Blondie's response to the glowing experience of a former hippie turned JW:

    "Yes, only a haircut will make you happy. "


  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Thanks once again Blondie. Paragraph 17 made me laugh. Open each study session with prayer asking God's spirit to direct your thoughts. Bwa ha ha. What really is the point of even bothering. If you get something from the scriptures that doesn't agree with their interpretation you can't express it to anyone. If you asked for God's spirit and you happened to 'see the light' and tried to tell anyone what God had revealed to you.....we know what would happen. They are disingenuous. Leslie

  • Splash

    "Haircut", No.

    He was a Hippie - he needed to be "clean cut" (para 16) - shave off his beard of course!


  • Ding

    I seem to remember that one of the publications from the Rutherford or Knorr era said that Jehovah gave them the requirements for various categories of field service right down to the number of hours. It was reported as a direct quotation from God. "Let pioneers serve 100 hours...," etc. I wondered how they got those detailed instructions -- audible voice, ESP, etc.

  • DesirousOfChange

    3 Over a period of 1,610 years—spanning from

    1513 B.C.E. to 98 C.E.—some 40 different men

    wrote the Bible. Some were prophets

    “borne along by holy spirit.” (Read 2 Peter

    1:20, 21.) The Greek expression rendered

    “borne along” has the sense “to

    bear or carry from one place to another,”

    and it “can be variously rendered:

    be moved, be driven, let oneself be

    moved.”* Acts 27:15 uses it in describing

    a boat that was seized and moved,

    or driven along a certain course, by the

    wind. Bible prophets and writers were

    “borne along by holy spirit” in that God

    communicated with, motivated, and

    guided them by means of his active

    force. That being the case, they wrote,

    not their own ideas, but God’s thoughts.

    Sometimes the inspired prophets and

    writers did not even know the meaning

    of what they foretold or were writing.

    (Dan. 12:8, 9) Yes, “all Scripture is

    inspired of God” and is free of human

    opinions.—2 Tim. 3:16.

    I don't know . . . . . . seems like Apostle Paul did not mind giving his "opinion":

    (1 Corinthians 7:25-27) . . .Now concerning virgins I have no command from the Lord, but I give my opinionas one who had mercy shown him by the Lord to be faithful. 26 Therefore I think this to be well in view of the necessity here with us, that it is well for a man to continue as he is. 27 Are you bound to a wife? Stop seeking a release. Are you loosed from a wife? Stop seeking a wife.

    (1 Corinthians 7:39, 40) . . .A wife is bound during all the time her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep [in death], she is free to be married to whom she wants, only in [the] Lord. 40 But she is happier if she remains as she is, according to my opinion. I certainly think I also have God’s spirit.

    (2 Corinthians 8:10) . . .And in this I render an opinion: for this matter is of benefit to YOU, seeing that already a year ago YOU initiated not only the doing but also the wanting [to do];

    And we well know the Writing Committee has no problem following his example, they just don't usually admit it's just their opinion.


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