I'll start. A talking snake..wtf!! A snake having a conversation with a woman. I've heard of this since...but the person was on acid. If this is beleived than we must also beleive in Snow White being factual.
How many Bible events can we site that no human has ever witnessed.
by whatistruth 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Black Sheep
Yearbook 1967 p.105 "{Chad -Africa}.....a large crowd was follwing a man who had a talking serpent."
So you can cross the talking snake off your list
Having the accuracy of Jesus' teachings verified. How can it be that these writings are accurate after 40 or more years? Details would be corrupted, and intentional fraud would be almost certain. Beyond that, has anyone actually verified the accuracy? Remember, nothing was recorded or written down at the time things happened.