My nephew is awake!

by redvip2000 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Very cool indeed. Young people tend to be less inclined to go along with the adult crowd. Mind you, as young people move further into young adulthood, the impulse towards conservatism increases. If he can sensibly investigate his doubts now, his findings may inoculate him against guilt-ridden returning to the fold.

  • outsmartthesystem
  • ziddina


    Another non-baptism!! minidragon5

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That's great news! You should send him a congratulatory Sparlock t-shirt.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Lost generation said:

    I really think critical thinking is being introduced more and more in high school.

    You know what THAT means, don't you? More future Awake articles praising the virtues of home-schooling....

  • poppers

    That is good news. At least he'll know that he's got you in his corner if things get dicy at home.

  • smiddy

    That is very good news and I beleive we are going to hear a lot more examples like this in the near future , thanks to social media.


  • DesirousOfChange

    He told me that the young people in the hall are beginning to speak to each other about " the issues", while keeping these conversations away from the parent's ears.

    It seems to me that the bright kids, who really have some potential to do something with their lives, are seeing the Truth as a roadblock to their dreams. On the other hand, the kids who are a bit "slower" seem to find the approval and acceptance they need within the flock and tend to excel "spiritually". They are no doubt the future Elders.


  • kurtbethel

    It seems to me that the bright kids, who really have some potential to do something with their lives, are seeing the Truth as a roadblock to their dreams. On the other hand, the kids who are a bit "slower" seem to find the approval and acceptance they need within the flock and tend to excel "spiritually". They are no doubt the future Elders.

    Ah, Jehovah is sifting the flock!

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses are sheep being sifted

  • baltar447

    ROFL!!! That image is hillarious.

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