i know what you mean. i am constantly ignored, no df mo disfellowship but still ignored, so when they ignore me i call them assholes as loud a im able.
Feel the Goddamned Love
by AK - Jeff 45 Replies latest jw experiences
i feel for you AK Jeff, I admire how much you were willing to put up with to show support to your wife at a very stressful time. Be confident you did the right thing not making a scene for her sake. My hubby and I are facing a similar situation with both of our elderly JW mothers. Mine has been openly hostile toward my hubby. When she dies he'll be in the same boat as you. You're a good man.
I feel for you AK Jeff , mywife and I have had a similar experience, freinds like that, who needs enemys , their just arseholes.
Aussie Oz
I wanted to flip off the bastards. WHO yells a greeting to a man's wife and ignores the husband as if he is not there?
I was at a swap meet a few years ago with my best mate and who should come the other way around the oval? My ex wife...who proceeded to give my mate a very warm greeting while totally ignoring me standing 5 ft from him. My mate was totally flabergasted! she gave a real fine witness that day i can tell you!
They hit you with invisible paint, welcome to the club.
Ignorance just is not bliss in the case of religion.
The only question - is he a duper or a duped...
Is he "militantly ignorant" (evil) or "passively ignorant" (like the foolish Galatians who again started yielding to religion instead of the gospel).