This is probably a dull topic for some, but I did some research out of my own curiosity, and just wanted to put it here for my own future reference, but I'm also curious to hear your thoughts on this as well.
Muslim extremism is still a big problem, and a major threat to world energy markets. Examples Iran, muslim brotherhood in charge of Egypt etc. As usual the NATO/western powers are going to have to deal with this problem again real soon.
It's so interesting that while all this unfolds the Chinese with their great military power, just sits back and does absolutely nothing and reaps all the benefits of stability in the middle east afforded by U.S./U.K. Did you know that most oil now pumped out of the middle east does not go to the United States by even a long shot?
Yes that's right the next time you go to full up at the pump, and you want a place to direct your anger, here is some interesting information below for you. Each year China/India and other parts of Asia are gobbling up a larger and larger percentage of the OPEC oil.
Interestingly most of these nations havn't done anything to help increase stability in that region, or payed a tribute for what they've been afforded by the blood and treasure of those nations that have (U.S., U.K. Australia ), So in essense we get to pay high prices at the pump to subsidize China's demand, isn't that wonderful? All the while China continues to build up their massive military even more.
I believe It's certainly time for nations like China to pony up and pay their fair share. What is China's game? (Page 57)