Joker have you found those Canadian numbers yet?
Mexico. JWs up 42% in 10 Years
by Joker10 53 Replies latest jw friends
I currently live in Mexico! There are two English congs in my city alone.
breakfast of champions
There was also an extremely encouraging 14% increase in 'Yap' last year
It is sad how countries with lower levels of education are susceptible to the false promises of cults.
Here is a comparision of census figures from a country that has better access to education and the internet - Australia.
free @ last
Looks like education and the Internet are really helping out the Pentecostals and Mormons.
people 5 and older who identified themselves as Jehovah's Witness
5 and older?-- in 10 years?
Maybe they're having lots of babies--that could do it.
New Zealand census statistics show a similar downward trend in those reporting to being JWs (I'll locate these when I'm back at home and post them). There was a peak number in the 1990s and since then over two further census reports, a noticeable decline. Our country was scheduled to have its five-yearly census last year but the Christchurch earthquake caused the government to postpone it.
Of course, census statistics show a much greater number of JWs because their count is not based on being active in the field but self-report. The census figures also include dependents because the census is completed by the parents of minor children (under age 16).
I guess Joker10 will not be starting any posts on the downward census statistics for JWs in Australasia ("Australasia" is a word that encompasses both Australia and New Zealand but it is falling into dis-use because New Zealanders dislike being overly-identified with our big neighbor.
The finding that the greater the internet penetration the less JW growth does not imply that the internet is "responsible" for the reduced growth. The third variable is education: The greater a country's per-head level of education, the less JW growth - but this tends to be true of the spread of religion in general.
Religions tend to do significantly better in lower-socio-economic societies. Christianity and its amazing offshoots, including the JWs, tend to appeal to dispossessed people because the beliefs offer a substitute sense of belonging and of being loved.
This book argues that existential security and prosperity are what really inhibit the growth of religion in societies.