In a previous thread about smoking, Amazing said:
Jesus said that what comes out of a person is what defiles them, not what goes into them.
WBTS commentary:
Many people have often wondered if it is appropriate to inhale tobacco smoke based on Jesus' words above. We have always maintained that we are not masters over our brothers' consciences. Since Jesus' words clearly indicate that what enters the body has no theological ramifications or consequences; the question, "Is it wrong to inhale tobacco smoke", could be seen by some as a conscience matter outside of the jurisdiction of the Christian congregation elders.
So, if a Christian found that his conscience was not bothered by inhaling tobacco smoke, an adjusted understanding would dictate that no congregation action would be taken with such a person. However, one should think hard about Jesus' counsel that it is "what comes out of a person that defiles him".
In harmony with this greater understanding and new light on this issue of great importance, it will be the policy of the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses to only take disciplinary action against those who choose to willfully and deliberately exhale tobacco smoke even though the inhaling is in harmony with the Christian freedom Christ so lovingly afforded to those that follow him.
Sadly, some have chosen the course of pride, and ran ahead of Jehovah, even before this enlightened understanding, and chose to inhale tobacco smoke. In order to preserve the unity of God's organization, regrettably they had to be disfellowshipped.
Even those who had the correct understanding and who chose to inhale, but because of conscience issues could not conscientiously exhale had to be regrettably disfellowshipped even though having already expired from asphixiation. They died in a disfellowshipped state and have lost their prospects of living forever on a paradise earth.
Others, wishing to prove their loyalty to God's organization chose to align themselves on the side of righteousness and refrain from inhaling even though they saw no harm in it. How thankful those ones now can be that they were obedient and are now free to inhale.
One such brother recently inhaled tomacco smoke in harmony with this new understanding, and also wishing to prove faithful, "even unto death", refused to defile his body by exhaling. He has set a fine example for others to follow and has built up treasures in heaven where "moth and rust do not consume". He did not die in vain, and we can look forward to welcoming this brother back from the dead in the new system.
True to the charge to dispense food at the proper time, we can thank the faithful and discreet slave for interpreting and clarifying sometimes difficult passages and not rely upon our own understanding. Only by doing this can we make a collective "reply to him that is that is taunting me".
Yes, to the glory of our everlasting King and his Spirit directed organization, we embrace the counsel, "Be wise my son and make my heart rejoice"!