I'm shaking my head at the utter ridiculousness of this.
Three-and-a-half year old Hunter Spanjer, who is deaf, signs his name by crossing his forefinger and index finger and moving his hand up and down.
To his family, friends and those who know the Signing Exact English (S.E.E.) language that the Grand Island, Neb., boy uses, that gesture uniquely means "Hunter Spanjer."
But to Hunter's school district, it might mean something else. The district claims that it violates a rule that forbids anything in the school that looks like a weapon, reports KOLN-TV .
Watch the video. He's taken the finger-spelling for the letter "H"--as in Hunter--and modified it to make his unique name sign.
When I was studying sign language, the name sign I chose was an "S" for Stephen--which looks like a fist--which I brought to my nose (because I have a rather prominent nose). If I had been a child at this school, would the administrators have banned my name because it looks like I want to punch someone in the nose?!
Grand Island Public School: Let the three-year-old boy sign his name, and hire some administrators that have the common sense to know when to pick their battles.