I got my stats from the official SDA web page: www.adventist.org/world-church/facts-and figures/index/html
To treat the growth/decline in the USA I tried to be objective by reading both the following sites, the first is positive, the second negative:
1. http://www.usatoday.com/news/religion/2011-03-08-Adventists 17 ST N.htm
2. "Future trends in the SDA Church": by Tom Norris at:
steve2: Thanks, mate.
SBF: Yes that is true. However, I was more interested in presenting the medical mission field that the SDAs run because of my familiarity with it. But it is true that they are big on education. I did see the number of these they maintain world wide but did not record it. I know they do run a university site in Avondale, New South Wales, here in Aussie, that teaches up to post graduate level in most disciplines of study.
Incidently, I appear to have goofed in one area. Under number 4, the number of hospitals and sanitariums run by the SDAs worldwide, the number is actually 173, not 137.