I, like many of you, love science and the new breakthroughs that are happening on almost a daily basis. I particularly am enamored by new nonpolluting energy technologies. Technologies that can put a halt to our CO2 emissions and also be used to easily scrub our atmosphere and waters clean.
Right now, there is a wonderful technology that the mainstream press seems ignorant of -- but yet is backed up by such institutions such as MIT, National Instruments, and NASA -- that looks as if it can offer us very cheap, pollution free energy in the very near future. Perhaps in as little as two our three years.
If you are interested, please seriously investigate LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction). This could be a major life changer for everyone.
Warning: The history and story behind LENR is full of scientific and political intrigue that can easily pull you away. But please don't loose touch with what is happening present day.