Thanks to all for the advice so far! Just to clarify, no, my heart is not in this. This is stricly for family. And no, not for a girl. Accepting the MS title was a neccessity to maintain my cover. I made too many faces and rolled my eyes a few times too many, subconsciously I guess, since I don't recall doing it. But my world was about to unravel when a few of the brothers and sisters noticed it. I had to make a concerted effort to show my intense love for Jehovah's organization. The need for workers was so great, the brothers soon forgot about my uncontrollable facial reactions to things going on in the hall, and they brought me in the back room before the meeting one night to ask: "Is there any reason you would not qualify to be appointed a Ministerial Servant?" Well, if Holy Spirit didn't find anything wrong with my thinking, why should I come clean? So here I am.
Already, I can relate to all of the comments regarding all of the jobs since I've been helping most of the current position holders for many months now. It's been alluded to in one of the comments, that it really depends on your "boss" too. I see some really micromanage, and others are laid back. Some know the computer and do a lot themselves, others are dinosaurs and if it's a computer type job, you'll be doing it all. And one clarification too. Someone mentioned not hearing the meeting or being able to pay attention to the meeting as a negative. I'd actually welcome that distraction. Likewise, being too busy to mingle before and after would probably be a plus for me too! Just to confirm a few of your experiences with what I've seen:
Account Servant:
Being seen is actually important for my situation, so I agree about the Accounts Servant position being pretty horrible and thankless. Our current one seems frustrated each night looking for witnesses. And most of the friends are gone by that time (can't start counting if you think someone might drop a dollar in on thier way out the door still). Since the friends are gone by the time you do that work in the hall, there's no, "Oh look at Brother Efficient, they're really using him now!" Likewise, with accounting being done at home, the friends don't see that either. And a few times when our current Account Servant has been behind the counter doing a little bookwork before the meeting, the Territory Servant, Literature Servant, and Magazine Servants have all told him that he doesn't need to be back there until after the friends leave and only to count the tills. So he really doesn't even have a "home base" or place to be!
Territory Servant:
I agree that this is probably easy, and maybe even mindless. That mindless part might get to me after some time, since in our hall, the Territory Servant stands behind the counter waiting for the one or two friends that actually check out or return a territory. Also, I heard through some others that we might be undergoing some map changes. That will require changing the big wall map and redoing all of the territories (adding streets that were not there years ago, etc.). If that's the case, and the Service Overseer is a real delagator, the new Territory Servant will be spending hours and hours reworking maps, reprinting maps, probably learning computer applications, all before he has the opportunity to get the cushy easy job.
TMS Assistant:
In our hall, it's the full meal deal. The TMS Overseer introduces the speakers, comments on thier great talks, and that's about it. I think this is why it's an MS position, rather than in some halls where a 12 year old keeps time and rings a bell for overtimes. In addition, we have a lot of friends that don't want to work with others, and some racial tension. I've overheard one African American sister ask the TMS Overseer, "Why do you keep putting me with black people? Is there no white woman in this hall that wants to work with me?" And I've overheard another African American sister ask basically the opposite question, "Why do you keep putting me with white sisters? There are plenty of black sisters I can work with too ya know." That's just too much to keep track of. And I don't think I could be very gracious for long. The one pro I do see is that I would be completely distracted and busy through the meeting and it would go by very quickly without further indoctrination.
Literature Servant
This one is winning out at the moment. I get the place to stand, having an excuse not to mingle. I get seen, with everyone coming up to the coutner to see "what's new." It's seems easy, but not mindless. Definitely more action with tracts, brochures and books than territory. The current guys biggest frustration seems to be too many bosses. The Service Overseer wants to be really tight with inventory so as not to waste money that could be used to build Kingdom Halls, and the other elders want more stock. The brother seems to be between a rock and a hard place, because it never goes over well to tell one elder that he should talk to another elder because you have been given different direction. That's too much work for them to talk to each other. They'd rather tell you to do something differently even if they know you've been told by a prior elder something different. My solution to this would be to display only what the Service Overseer wants in stock, and hide some stock on the side so I never run out!
Magazine Servant
In our hall, at least, it seems very thankless. The boxes never seem to stop coming! And somehow, it's your job to make sure the friends only take one or two of the future placement magazines for thier own family, but without counseling them or offending them. Impossible. I've been there when the Magazine Servant gets reamed because we ran out of the current magazine placement before the month ended, and I've been there when there was too many magazines left over. "Look at all the new Kingdom Halls we could have built with that box of magazines!" Seriously, that was the comment!
Sound Servant
I would really like to play DJ. Sit throughout, still be seen. Distracted enough to have the time pass quickly. But, alas, with our lack of help, this is non-MS job. There is no Servant for this.
Hall Servant
I've never heard of this. Do you mean Attendant? I wouldn't mind that, since there's no homework, no work before or after, and plenty of distractions. Why, it's your job to run after the distractions! Freinds coming in late looking for a seat. New ones looking confused. But mixed in with the regular association that I would have to maintain, it would not be worth it. There are too many lonely, lonely, sad witnesses in our hall that just want to talk, and have no sense of your urgency when you obviously have things in your hand you need to hand out or do. Plus, I doubt anyone would be given just that role.
So far then, Literature is the job for me!
However, please keep the insightful advice coming!
Thank you!