Welcome, you'll find lots of support here :)
I Could Really Use A Friend
by Hargitay 26 Replies latest jw friends
cult classic
Hi there, Hargitay. I'm in the Midwest but just wanted to say, hang in there.
Hogy vagy and welcome, I'm in SoCal but I appreciate your plight. There are many here that are willing to listen, offer suggestions and to assist you in your dealing with your situation.
JWs may have abandoned you, but you're not alone.
Welcome Hargitay!
I am not in Austin, but a little south of Austin - in San Antonio.
I hope that you start making friends there locally. It isn't difficult to do, but you need to get out and talk to folks. Try it. They don't bite - and can really be friendly - contrary to what you were probably taught growing up as a JW.
Jim TX
I am in Houston. We are not far away you know.
My bio: female, married, 2 children and you are more than welcome to visit my family in Houston. Sometimes I go to San Marcos Outlet Mall ... I am planning a trip there soon. I also go to San Antonio, was just there for 4th of July and plan to come back during fall. We are very friendly family oriented people and we all understand how you feel. Tell us more about you.
Instead of starting the same thread over again, just bump one thread by commenting on it.
Be sure to check for good advice on the other 2 of these same threads:
Yan Bibiyan
Let me spoil the party a little.
You are not an Austin elder trying to flush out some local closet apostates, are you?
If not, welcome to the board and I hope you find real friends outside of the borg.
-Yan (who is too far from TX to meet in person )
Welcome Hargitay, am in the Houston area. Can be really difficult at first adjusting to the isolation/loneliness. Can get much encouragement from this forum. Would be willing to go to meetups in different cities with advance planning given. Hang in there, time heals.
Welcome Hargitay. We can help you. This board got most of us through our exit. Check your meetups in your area. Go online and see if there are any groups of ex jW's that meet nearby. Good luck and we will be looking for your posts.
lol Yan, I thought the same thing, at least it's a possibility.