You don't have to answer anybodys questions. It always makes me cringe when some newbie sticks his head up and immediately gets an inquisition.
Remember that it wasn't your choice to be raised in a church that treats its family members badly when they realise that its history of prophetic failure makes it no better than any other Doomsday cult. That was your parents choice. When my parents get stroppy, I'm quick to point out that before I was born there were already prophetic pronouncements, made soon after they joined, that had clearly passed their Use by Dates and identified their church heirarchy as false prophets according to Deuteronomy 18 in the KJV that they used at that time.
Why should we pay the price for our parent's bad choices? We are not the guilty party. We were lied to. Deceived in numerous ways. Would you have gotten baptised if your family, friends and Elders had been totally honest with you about the church, its history and teachings? If any JW tries to guilt you, use some skeleton from their closet to demonstrate that something they did, or said, that was dishonest or deceptive, resulted in you making decisions that you would not have made if they had been honest and that you expect an apology for their behaviour.
You have to learn how to ask questions.
You have to learn to not answer questions.
For example. If your wife wants you to leave and you know you are the head of the house according to WT literature, then you ask her to show you a WT article that says that one of you should leave.
The trick here, is that you have only asked a question. You have not expressed an opinion. Never express an opinion to a JW as it always IDs you as the opposer/apostate/Satan and puts their guard up. They have to go and do the research to find out for themselves that they are out of order. Doing their thinking for them is a recipe for failure because they were listening to all those warnings from the platform that you ignored when you made the mistake (as most of us do) of thinking that your family is sane and reasonable.
Their trick is usually to avoid having to admit they haven't got a leg to stand on by asking another question to change the subject. It must not be answered. They must confront their problem or back off and behave. Demand the honesty they pretend they have. No double standards allowed.
Remember .... you are not guilty of anything .... and don't let them think you feel any guilt ... and if you have equity in the house ... you want it and you have the right to it .... get it, or move back in & tell your wife to behave herself.
I hope the job hunting goes well. I've lived hand to mouth in a strange town too. Made some good friends there.