No, it's not just you. I know it was her idea because she didn't even go. I'm sure she received the invite and told her cousin she couldn't go but she was sure I would love to go *wink wink*. She outed herself when she called to make sure I was going. The disappointment in her voice was apparent..
I'm gonna have to decline your invite
by mrsjones5 42 Replies latest jw friends
MRS JONES - I would go. If they know you are an ex and in their eyes an apostate, it's amazing you are even being invited. Perhaps they are thinking for themselves. Since they know about you, if they try to preach, you can give them the facts and reasons why you no longer are one. You shouldn't have been invited if they were following the strict rules.
Too late now since it was yesterday. Besides I had better things to do, my darling newly 15 year old daughter looked smashing in her homecoming dress and 4in black platform pumps with fuchsia heels. No way in hell I was gonna missed that for a jw shindig.