Now another difficulty I had as a convert, but that was due to my own attitude, well, once a blunt Northern Sister said to me, "you've got no personality".
And to a certain extent, in certain situations, she was right.
See, in the world, especially the mans world of mechanics and military, male bonding in the form of crude behaviour and banter, play aggression and pretend bravado, shapes ones character and behaviour.
Then of course when you come in the "truth", suddenly you have to put on the "new personality", everything about you is wrong, all the other JWs in ones own eyes seem to be angelic perfect, they dont even masturbate!, hell, in the Navy it was etiquette to have a pile of dirty books to entertain guests with, thing is, what is this new personality?
Basically, you leave behind your worldly self and try to pretend your a Jehovahs Witness without actually knowing what to do, especially in a social setting, and even more so where Sisters are concerned, you do feel unclean, maybe thats one of the reasons us converts, especially when new, may seem a bit too zealous, thing is, its the only way we are shown how to behave as a dubb.
Its like you have moved to a foriegn country where you are afraid to let your hair down for fear of breaking some unknown custom or tabboo.