Though you won't be accredited, what do you think of this program?
Free online courses from accredited schools... Your opinion
by MC RubberMallet 17 Replies latest social current
breakfast of champions
Hey, what first spurred my interest in cognitive science and going to school was listening to several Berkely podcasts from iTunes university. I thought to myself, Hell, I could do this! Now I am in a top university taking these courses for real, ACEING them, and ENJOYING EVERY MINUTE!
Whatever works. Getting actual credits is better, though.
Lots of interesting courses. a couple caught my eye -- introduction to logic and how to reason and argue
Lots of computer/internet classes
I didn't see anything to sign up for right now.
I like taking online classes from my local community college. They offer a lot of classes, most for a flat $99.00. I have quite a list of classes I want to take over time.
The most valuable course I've taken was, of all things, a Criticial Thinking class!
I have the textbook in front of me - held onto it all these years - "Becoming a Critical Thinker, A User Friendly Manual" by Sherry Diestler. After reading this book, you'd very easily identify the constructions the WT uses in their writings. Well worth having on a bookshelf - even an older edition would be worth it.
MC RubberMallet
Cool. I like this idea as simply to enhance understanding of an area. Though there's no credits, maybe it would be cool to say I've studied cryptography from an MIT professor. Would that work in an interview or on a resume? lol.
I think it's an amazing concept, making education available to everyone. I took a couple of the courses. They are high-quality, and really well done. Some do offer credits. But even if you don't get credit, they do enhance your resume
I have taken on-line no credit, credentialed, and standard credit classes. In hindsite I wish I credits for all of them.
All of them were valuable, but of course credit is the best ...if you can afford it. I have seen more and more on-line courses buried in the local State College catalogs in California. There are new "Certificate" courses in specific subjects like "Website construction", "international business" etc.
We had a neighbor who finished a four year degree last year by long distance commuting to the campus just one day per week and doing everything else at home.... online!
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
If you don't get actual credits, it doesn't count for anything other than personal bragging rights that you took the same classes that the real students did. If you're going to go through that much trouble, then your efforts are better focused on dropping the pretence and just going to college for real.