Is this not child abuse in the name of religion?

by recovering 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • recovering

    Ultra orthodox Rabbis suck the blood out of babies blood from the penis with their mouths, while preforming circumsisms. There is now a new law proposed which says that rabbis must get informed consent before they do this, due to babies dying after contracting herpes . The orthodox rabbis have said they will defy this law. The law does not even forbid the practice, the law only requires that parents are made aware of the danger involved. What ?I am truly disgusted. Here is another religous group endangering the welfare of children . Why has this practice been allowed to go on for so long in this day and age? It smacks of pedophilia.

  • wasblind

    Folks get away wit a whole lot under the guise of a religion

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    it's allowed because jews are treated with kids gloves, if as a non-jew you dare to critizise something about their religion or customs, you are branded as antisemitic and nazi.

    but i don't think the orthodox jews do that, sounds more like the ultra-orthodox, they are more related to the taliban than mainstream judaism.

    in germany, ritual circumcision recently was outlawed. modern jews and muslims support this, but of course fundamentalists still want to force their bronze age religious irreversible mutilations on newborns.

  • Finkelstein

    Sick, sick you would think the health of the babies would be the utmost concern

    Religion sucks ( no pun intended)

    Circumcision is nothing but an ancient tribal identification .............started 3000 years ago by ancient Hebrews.

  • recovering

    What really bothers me is they even object to a law that would inform the parents of the dangers of this practice.

  • perfect1

    Yet another reason to keept that foreskin intact.

  • Sulla

    it's allowed because jews are treated with kids gloves, if as a non-jew you dare to critizise something about their religion or customs, you are branded as antisemitic and nazi.

    Fer real! Why is that!?

    in germany, ritual circumcision recently was outlawed. modern jews and muslims support this, but of course fundamentalists still want to force their bronze age religious irreversible mutilations on newborns.

    Oh. Nevermind.

    Circumcision is nothing but an ancient tribal identification .............started 3000 years ago by ancient Hebrews.

    ... who were cleverly disguised as Egyptians?

  • jwfacts

    How is it that so many illegal actions, when done in the name of religion, are protected? JW's with shunning and blood, Christian Science and Scientology with medical help, Rabbis with what constitutes child abuse. When will Society stand up and make a stand that religion is not above the law?

  • EntirelyPossible

    Religion is the opiate of the masses, JWF.

  • still thinking

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