My review of the new website, and why Watchtower videos are landing them in a sticky situation!

by cedars 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Yes very well done Cedars

    As to exposing the lies and deceptions portrayed on the WTS's own web site.

    We do not automatically disfellowship someone who commits a serious sin. If, however, a baptized Witness makes a practice of breaking the Bible’s moral code and does not repent, he or she will be shunned or disfellowshipped. The Bible clearly states: Remove the wicked man from among yourselves. —1 Corinthians 5:13.

    Sorry this one caught my eye right away.

    Is this true, that if lets say a JWS gets caught commiting adultery that they wont be DFed if they are repentant ?

    New news to me !

  • 00DAD

    Great work Cedars!

    On thing caught my eye you will want to correct:

    According to the above letter, the redesigned website was scheduled for launch at the beginning of June 2012. However, for some unknown reason, the launch was postponed by four months to the beginning of September.

    September is only THREE months after June.


  • cedars

    breakfast of champions, perfect1, clarity and piglet - thanks for the great feedback. I'm glad you like the article!

    King Solomon - due to my circumstances, my gripe is with nobody. The whole point is, as an anonymous fader, I'm not allowed to HAVE a gripe, because that would involve revealing my identity. However, that's not going to stop me from using the Watchtower's copyright intervention to highlight their pettiness and futile attempts to censor YouTube and scorn free speech in general. I do appreciate your kind suggestions, but having carefully considered the matter I honestly don't think it's worth all the hassle. I would rather just dust myself down, re-upload the song to YouTube minus any copyrighted material (as I have done), and move on. Doesn't mean I can't write about it all, of course!

    jeanpicard - you're correct, the sign language videos are not a new strategy, but the use of highly-polished "infomercial" style videos published directly on the Society's website to promote their religion is. The way the "masturbation" video has been taken off the website and used to mock the Society on YouTube highlights perfectly why the new strategy of self-promotion via videos is extremely risky at best, suicidal at worst. Basically, the more video content the Society uploads to promote itself, the more this content is likely to be taken and used against it.

    moshe - I enjoyed your story! I'm glad you liked the article. I agree that YouTube is a major thorn in Watchtower's side. I check two JW-related keywords every day, and I am frequently surprised at what video material I come across - most of which discredits the Society in some way. They're definitely going down a blind alley by using videos to drive home their message. YouTube will punish them the moment they put a foot wrong, as has happened with the masturbation video.

    Finkelstein - yes I noticed that too. However, I doubt a serial-adulterer will be let off the hook at his judicial committee simply by saying sorry and pointing at this FAQ!


  • cedars

    00DAD - there's my dodgy maths again! lol

    I'll fix it - well spotted!


  • 00DAD


    You may want to include this quote as an example of WT duplicity:

    "No one should be forced to worship

    in a way that he finds unacceptable

    or be made to choose between

    his beliefs and his family."

    - Awake, July 2009, p. 29

  • Finkelstein

    Finkelstein - yes I noticed that too. However, I doubt a serial-adulterer will be let off the hook at his judicial committee simply by saying sorry and pointing at this FAQ!

    It used to be that if someone commits adultery or fornication and they were baptized, they would automatically be DFed

    even if they were showing repentance during their JC meeting, when did this change ?

    Sorry haven't been involved with the JWS for 20 years

  • Listener
  • Listener

    Sorry I can't see my last post. It was in response to their comments regarding who will be saved.

    They say specifically that many (non JWs) living in centuries past have the opportunity for salvation and then go on to say that people currently living will if they serve God. There is no mention of those living in this century who pass away other than deducting that they too must have been serving God.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Marked for later.

  • Aware!
    A video emphasizing the relief work that was launched to help Witnesses who were effected by the Japanese tsunami.

    It should be "affected".

    Anyway, thank you so much for your article! My new friends at school (most of them Catholic) have a hard time believing what I tell them about JWs beliefs, especially shunning. I tell them it's like being excommunicated, but the difference is that you can no longer have ties with any member. I'm looking for the April Watchtower right now. They told me that even if someone were excommunicated from the Catholic church, you can still talk to him/her. What a stark contrast!

    I want to show them how deceitful the WT$ is in their FAQs, should they ever look at them.

    They're in for a surprise when I show them the Revelation book.

    Prevention is the best cure!

    Edit- I found the April WT and the one with Selma and Steve! Too bad I don't have the one were they call us "mentally diseased". I was in when I read it and thought it was silly because mental illness isn't contagious.

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