WTS: "Leave churches that change doctrines!"

by irondork 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • irondork

    TS: To be fair the thread title doesnt accurately reflect whats written and quoted in the article.

    Main points of the article: (not posted in it's entirety for the sake of brevity)

    - Title: Many Have Left the Churches - Should You?

    - Membership at churches is down all over the world

    - Discussion of why people are leaving. Among reasons, constantly changing doctrines.

    - "Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves and quit touching the unclean thing."

    - But if neither the churches of Christendom nor personal religious experiences provide the foundation for worshiping God correctly, where should the people go?

    - We have SMASHING IDEA! Come be a JW! Yay!

    Conclusion: Thread title WTS: "Leave churches that change doctrines" accurately reflects what is written in the article referenced thus: [w75 6/1 Millions Have Left the Churches - Should You? p. 324]

  • mP

    All churches lie, the bigger the lie, hte more they will believe.

  • james_woods

    There is a big difference between changing administrative church rules and actually changing doctrines.

    Taken in this sense, very few christian-based religions have actually change foundation doctrines as much as the JWs in the past 125 years.

    The only exception I can think of would be the world-wide church of God, who completely remade their doctrinal structure.

    Certainly the Catholics have not changed themselves as much in 5 centuries as the JWs did in just the 1920s and 1930s - including a redefinition of the members eternal reward(!), a change of church name(!), and constant confusion and restating of prophetic ideas.

  • WTWizard

    What about "a generation"? There have been 4 different definitions of "a generation" as of the past 20 years, including one change after only 2 years after it had just been changed. Now, the "a generation" consists of the sequel generation of what it was supposed to have been until 1995.

  • Atlantis

    . . . . . . . . . . . . Nevada

  • irondork

    Aaand... there it is. :)

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    Main points of the article: (not posted in it's entirety for the sake of brevity)
    - Title: Many Have Left the Churches - Should You?
    - Membership at churches is down all over the world
    - Discussion of why people are leaving. Among reasons, constantly changing doctrines.
    - "Therefore get out from among them, and separate yourselves and quit touching the unclean thing."
    - But if neither the churches of Christendom nor personal religious experiences provide the foundation for worshiping God correctly, where should the people go?
    - We have SMASHING IDEA! Come be a JW! Yay!
    Conclusion: Thread title WTS: "Leave churches that change doctrines" accurately reflects what is written in the article referenced thus: [w75 6/1 Millions Have Left the Churches - Should You? p. 324]

    In hindsight, you're right, no doubt about it. I was trying too hard to be fair. Good catch, Irondork.

  • maccauk11

    People are elaving the churches because they are no longer illiterate . People are awakening to the deception by all churhches. The true church is one not made by human hands you cannot see it or touch it. The true church is spiritual .


    The article should have been titled " Millions are leaving their churches. You should too." They quote a Catholic priest because they agree with his quote! They want to use it against the Catholic church to make themselves appear "Christian." So the WTBTS was speaking hypocritically, as usual. Speaking ill of others to make yourself look good is a sure sign of weakness and doubt in yourself.


  • braincleaned

    Marked. Brilliant.

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