fakesmile said:
all weekday witnessing does is target ppl who dont have a job. that is not a good business model. it is working backwards to bring in converts who are broke, lazy or disabled.
Just to play WT's Advocate here (which pretty much is the same as saying 'Devil's Advocate', but that comparison seem unfair to the Devil, LOL! At least the Satan figure has drive...): weekday D2D is a GREAT way to find disaffected individuals who don't feel they're getting their 'piece of the pie' under this "EEEVILLL" system of things, and are looking for someone (God) to kill 99.999999% of the Earth's population to free up some resources that, in their minds, RIGHTLY belongs to them.... They NEED a pet lion and Alpine chateau, and are pissed that watching Jerry Springer just ain't getting it for them!
At it's core, the JW message of violent and deadly radical overthrow of all of the World's governments is far more extremist and dangerous than anything that came out of Stalin's or Marx's mouth. The only reason it's not taken seriously by most gov'ts is because most people in power are educated enough to know that religions like the JWs are immune from accepting that the joke is on them.... The Paradise petting zoo is a scam, just like the Florida real-estate schemes in the 1920's which showed palatial mansions in Sunny Florida when the reality was mosquito-infested swamp-land sold sight unseen, with no plans to develop the plots.
Most JWs I know are well-intentioned and lovable losers.... There's an old saying that the road to Hell is paved by well-intentioned individuals, but intent doesn't matter if the end goal is conceived based faulty premises.