Question from Japan about "probation seat"

by jwstudy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    It is not a requirement for them to sit in a particular seat but given the excruciatingly awkward reality of shunning a lot of disfellowshipped people would choose to sit at the back.

  • DaCheech

    like mickey said!

    Who would wanna be seen when you're shunned that way!

    I would sit in the closet if possible

  • steve2

    People who are made to feel shamed about their behaviour by their elders can also be made to do things that "prove" they are sorry.

    In some cultures it's called "bowing and scraping" - which describes a number of slave-like behaviours intended to let others know how very sorry the person is. The person who says they are "sorry" can become extra obedient to "prove" they deserve forgiveness.

    The JW religion thrives on making people feel bad about their behavior, even including making people feel bad about even doubting the truth of the religion. It is a handy way to keep control over people and get them to suppress their doubts.

  • BluesBrother

    We always made the d/f'd sit right at the back... Once I followed one out of the Hall and told him off for sitting in front of me!

    Jerk that I was

    We never designated one chair as the "naughty seat" though....

  • blindnomore

    JWstudy, Are you a native Japanese or an immigrant?

    I am from Far East who live in the USA. I have learned some differences in policy among Jehovah's Witnesses from different cultures.

    Witnesses in my native Country, Asians, are more strict on procedure, more authoritative and tend to set rules for others instead of left to indivisual conscience. For instance, in my native Country, you are restricted eating foods that were offered to ritual(ie, ancestor worship) and practices of sterilization are banned. This was late 80's and early 90's. I was very confused upon learning the different JW policies on some of the core belief. Here in the US, these were/are the conscience matters(although the Watchtower has flip flop on sterilization).

    Yes, I can picture Japanese authoritative elders arranging "probation seat" for df'ed ones. Llyod Berry was a head of Branch Committee in Japan for many years before becoming a member of Governing Body. I saw this Japanese influence from Berry in Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom.

    I am df'ed and used to seat in the middle of front rows and stared at speakers throughout meetings. Not one elders have courage to eye contact with me for 2 years. They know they are loser and coward for what they did.

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