let me know how you get your Fiber?
Has anyone Gone off WHEAT (I am thinking of it , too)
by dreamgolfer 20 Replies latest jw friends
Don't forget carbs. You need your carbs.
- Edamame
- Teff
- Quinoa (I have a pancake recipe I've used a few times)
- Oatmeal! I checked, and it has a slightly higher protein content than other grains.
- Bulgur (I've included a nutritional data link that I am fond of. Look up any of these grains or search the caloric ratio triangle for new foods)
- Spelt
- Emmer
- Khorasan Wheat
- Wild Rice
- Rye
- Lentils
- Amaranth
- Kamut
- Barley
- Buckwheat
- Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans). You will quickly miss the crispy-crunchy texture of prepared foods. Chickpeas can be brushed with oil, spices, and baked in the oven. A tasty, crunchy snack.
Do you have a Bulk Barn in your part of the world? Here they have a wide selection of flours, grains, and snacks for celiacs.
Cool notes, thanks for the info!
from the Heart of Wheat Country - Alberta!
Bulgur and spelt are both wheat.
I'm off wheat because I have Celiac Disese. In baking I use lots of sorghum flour and quinoa flour, both high in fiber and protien.
Eat lots of fruit and veggies!
jgnat, thanks for the infor.I have gone off wheat for weight loss, haven't lost any yet after 2 months. I have bought rice flour to try an make some biscuits and have tried quinoa. I eat chickpeas from a can. I will try the others you have mentioned.
Panhandlegirl, you gotta be careful what you replace wheat with. As a diabetic, the glycemic index on rice is way too high for me. I have to doctor it with lots of extra fibre (like a vegetable stir-fry) and eat it with meat. Brown rice is better of course.
P.S. I haven't lost any weight either.
It is easy to get too many refined carbs on a wheat-free, gluten-free diet. I make a good oatmeal muffin with oats and sorghum flour. While I do use 1/4 cup of sugar, it could be replaced with agave or stevia.
nancy drew
I eat alot of grilled fish and vegetables but when I want a tasty gluten free treat i buy Conte brand gluten free raviolis and they are really good.
yum I love Italian foods - pass more a "more MEATABALLSSSSS" pleeeeeeeezzze!