Mrs Cedars and I try an interesting diet...

by cedars 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Thanks everyone. I guess "comfort drink" is a good way to describe it. When I'm drinking it, my mind is tricked into thinking I'm drinking something more appealing by all that fizz!

    I've had a brief look on wikipedia about the health effects of carbonated water. Apparently the only thing to worry about is the erosion of tooth enamel - but this is said to be "neglible".

    I can't see myself carrying on with this forever - it's really just a cost-saving experiment for this month. However, if it's a huge success (both to our health and our wallet) I can see us doing this more often!


  • cult classic
    cult classic

    We like Izzes. They don't have refined sugars added. They're 70% juice in sparkling water. We love 'em. And while fruit juice isn't that great for you, it's better than carbonated drinks.

    Maybe add some fruit juice to your mineral water, see how it tastes?

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    I have been drinking. What I mean to say- I have been drinking distilled and carbonated water for eons of time. I don't drink juice or alcohol( but i'd like to).

    But as far as being healthier or saving money, it has not succeeded.

  • ShirleyW

    "Fizzy Drinks were invented by SATAN!"

    Isn't that more or less what the Mormon's think? I think they don't drink carbonated beverages. I remember when Donny and Marie had their TV show they also did a commercial for Hawaiian Punch, partly because they couldn't do one for Pepsi or something because Mormons can't drink it.

    In that respect, that makes them wackier than the Dubs.

  • skeeter1

    Fizzy drinks with a splash of juice (cranberry, orange, grapefruit, or lemon/lime) is very refreshing. Try it.

  • straightshooter

    I heard on the local radio station about the great taste of fizzy mineral water. This post has given me added incentive to try this out.

  • Jim_TX
    ShirleyW said - "I think they don't drink carbonated beverages."

    No, it's caffeinated beverages that Mormons can't drink. This includes coffee and tea (caffeinated). They CAN drink sodas like 7-Up or Sprite or Root Beer (the uncaffeinated ones).

    I know this because my cousin and her husband are Mormons.

    Of course... when you're about 90 to 95 years old like my aunt was, then you can get away with drinking coffee, and saying that your doctor said to drink it for a 'quick pick me up'. I used to laugh inside, because she would say this when my cousin was there (both Mormons), and my cousin would slightly cringe - but not say anything to her mother.

  • skeeter1

    I knew a crazy Baptist fundie who wasn't allowed to drink root beer - because it could be mistaken for real beer.

  • wannaexit

    Cedars, as someone said many of us in north america haven't acquired a taste for fizzy water. But its a good replacement for all the pop. In my home, we've installed a very good water purifier----so lots of ice water with lemon. Good for the palate and the pocket book :)

  • Chariklo

    I've never liked fizzy water. it doesn't taste quite like real water, and I don't like the taste much. Plain water for me, every time. Just plain old ordinary H2O.

    Or a cup of tea. None of that coffee stuff!

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