Cats and Dogs should not be spayed or neutered!

by IMHO 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • joyfulfader

    I think all pets should be spayed/neutered. There are so many people that don't do this and end up with a litter or 2 or 3 of unwanted babies that end up in shelters only to be put to sleep or sent to abusive homes. The first dog I ever had was the only pet that wasn't neutered right away. He was an indoor dog and wasn't very sociable so he was never around other dogs. When he was about 13 he developed ulcerations on his testicles and the vet told us that it was because of the years of unused built up testosterone. He recommended having him neutered at 13 to remedy the problem. It worked and he lived ulcer free for 3 more years. So I whole heartedly agree that it is imperative to spay and neuter.

  • jgnat

    That unused testosterone sounds absolutely dreadful. This brings to mind talk 22, and the dreadful advice given there.

  • joyfulfader

    I am not sure what talk 22 says but I am most definitely using this as an example ONLY for animals. It's ok guys...u can keep ur guy parts lol. I have never heard of this kind of thing in humans and I think castration would not be considered an option even if it was. though perhaps there are a few people out there who should not procreate...

  • jgnat

    Well, men can self-release. Which is what talk 22 for the deaf is about.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The problem is that "pets" are domesticated and there is very little wildlife around to provide checks and balances if they can breed on their own.

    Spay and juster humans and that might restore the checks and balances to nature. Until then, I think its actually a kindness to control their overpopulation.

  • whathappened

    Cats are just like we are but without judgement and reason. Unspayed and unneutered cats will run out any door or window, tear through screens, etc to mate. That's nature's way. Expect trouble, my friend if you don't do something.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Even my spellcheck doesn't like "neuter" and put in "juster"

  • NomadSoul

    "Spay and neuter humans".

    Care to be the first?

  • MrFreeze

    Have you ever had a cat or dog that wasn't spayed or neutered? It is not a pretty situation in your house and you better hope it doesn't get out of your house.

    If you've ever seen the difference between an animal who was spayed/neutered and one that wasn't, you would probably agree it is definitely in the best interests of the animal.

  • ShirleyW

    . . . eight hours have passed and IMHO still hasn't defended his statement.

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