I went to their official website today and skimmed their articles on child molestation and it made me a bit angry to say the least. They briefly talked about going to the authorities but not once did they stress that it was something that should be done in EVERY case. I then clicked on the "Contact Us" link. Of course it is only there so they can get your name and address so they can contact the congregation that has the territory you live in. So anyway, I got this bright idea to fill in the blanks, not with the info they wanted, but rather in those spaces I put in a question to them. I asked them why they did not stress going to the authorities EVER time it comes to the elders attention that abuse has occured and the perp admitted to it. Of course they can't answer me but someone will see it there. Maybe others can do this also. You have to watch the spaces because you run out of room so you have to go to the next space to continue. LOL, this felt good!
Contacting the WBTS through their site
by DazedAndConfused 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Ha! Well great minds think alike. I have gone to their website a couple of times and have filled in the "contact us" blanks asking questions. I thought at the time how clever I was to have thought of this. Guess I'm not really so clever after all.
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion. Abraham Lincoln
You're both clever.
You're all wasting your bandwidth. They'll just ignore you.
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age
What Dazed & Dutchie did could be called "informal witnessing".
They briefly talked about going to the authorities but not once did they stress that it was something that should be done in EVERY case.
I think you cannot put it that way. I know of a not JW related case . While I would love to kill that ****, she is an adult now and does not want to speak about the things happened, let alone to go to the authorities. I respect her desicion and there are a few who know too but they also keep their mouth shut.
I went to that site and cliked on contacts. Just left because I wasn't going to wait for them to reply or I wasn't going to give my personal info. Kind of pssssd me off.
What you did instead was a good idea. I wish I had thought of that. They Will read it. Who cares if they ignore you.
What if you pasted links to porno sites in the blanks?
What if you pasted links to porno sites in the blanks?
Then you'd be validating what the Society tells them about those who leave the organization.
"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan
Thanks for all the positive responses. psssttt.....Dutchie, it was clever wasn't it?
GermanJW, when I wrote that I felt it should go to the authorities in every case I was mostly speaking about cases where it is a problem involving a child while the child is still a child. What an adult chooses to do is totally up to them. IMO, ALL cases should be taken to the authorities. Pedophiles should be taken off the street, so to speak, to save other children from the same fate as the ones that they preyed upon earlier.
SYN, I can think of much worse things to do with my time. But IMO, it will get read by someone and if enough people send little "notes", who knows, maybe it will wake someone up eventually. BTW, are we given only so much in the way of bandwidth? If so I better be careful. LOL
Edited for spelling.