Dental bridges are so old school- even the Egyptians had those!- just no novacaine to deaden the pain
Dental Problems are interesting
by Terry 38 Replies latest jw friends
rip van winkle
Yeah, but Moshe, look at the fine worKmanship!!!
This looks like do it yourself dentistry.
Shirley, it isn't so much the glue that makes it weak. Just the fact that it is a dead tooth after they do the root canal.
Thanks for the link Blonde...
Mr Freeze --- you referred to Shirley mentioning the glue but I'd said my dentist told me the glue whether it's a rt. canal'd tooth w/crown or a capped tooth for cosmetic reasons or chipped tooth, whatever, the glues cause problems. Apparently, the glues are better today --- whatever better means. You are right about the rt. canals being dead teeth and that in itself can't be anything but brittle/dry. I know they don't like you to go long between having a rt. canal done and having the crown placed --- dentist told me yrs. ago don't mess around more than a couple of wks. because that rt. canal is so brittle --- like an egg shell and will bust w/out the crown on.
Quentin brings up a good point how the high costs of dental care seem to escape the attention of health care debates. I don't understand why this isn't more important and addressed.
Broken Promises
Do you have a problem with the word "root"?
Broken Promises,
No problem here w/the word at all --- maybe I don't understand your question. I'd much rather have a root canal over an extraction to save a real tooth in my skull. I love going to the endodontist for root canals compared to the oral surgeon for an extraction. OMG!
I have reservation about implants, unfortunately. Don't relish the idea of a bolt being drilled into my jaw bone and I do have a problem w/having a bridge w/adjacent, healthy, teeth sawed down to hold a fake tooth in place for one. I don't like the options.
I've not researched the implants much --- funny, my dentist told me, "don't do that" --- always confidence building.