This summer i started to play football(soccer) with "wordly" people. It´s been so nice and relaxing without flashovers.
Contrast for playing with witnesses is huge! Here is couple examples of witnesses games from where i live:
- In floorball, elder crosschecked sister from behind towards the wall she got stitchs on her face.
- Icehockey game between congregations of two different city ended to mass brawl, aftermath: It was announced that if you go again to play this kind of competive game and you are ministry servant/elder, you will lose your status/benefits in congregation.
- Football(soccer) games got nasty, brother hit the opponents team player´s backneck with his elbow game ended up with threats: "do it again and you will never walk again!"
- Again floorball, game was interrupted as brothers started to fight with their sticks against each others. Results: a few of bleeding lips and angry speech from elder.
And so on, i have witnessed many similar flashover, sometimes i even participated myself. Anyone got similar experience of "relaxing paradise style sporting event?"
Thank "god" that now i can enjoy sports with wicked and evil people!