"Our Reader's Ask" November 2012 Public WT

by dontplaceliterature 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    In Leolaia's own words .....

    Here the Society tells us to not be "gullible or naive", don't be "mentally lazy", it is "foolish to accept an idea as true without checking the facts", we need to use our "power of reason", to "reason on evidence and reach sound conclusions that are based on facts",

    Bending the Truth to say if you examine all what the WTS. teaches, you'll have all the facts right in front of you and cure any doubts that may

    develop. We present the facts, its your responsibility and devotional duty to god to shield yourself around them.

    They must have a propaganda department at Bethel HQ......... oh right they do at the GB offices

  • SophieG


    I can only imagine pulling out the article...written by WTBS and asking a JW why this doesn't apply to them! So hypocritical!

    Oh no! You can't make sure of any of the teachings inside...you no longer need to think for yourself because those 8 guys wil do it for you...no independent study...no questions...god forbid you got a doubt...stamp that out!!! Wow!

    Its amazing how clear things are when you stop drinking the "Kool-aide"!

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