Sympathy for the (Devil),, I Mean Governing Body

by frankiespeakin 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Should we feel some sympathy for the Governing Body? After all they have taken on thr reins of power over a corporation that has very bad,, dead end business stradagy based on a dellusional idea that the end of the world would come based on dates found or imagined in the Bible,, a book about ancient Deity worship with all its superstition about what make him angry and mad.

    They have bought into this dellusion with their heart and soul,,they stand to loss big time now that the internet is here,, the internet is their Satan and his demons on the net are taking aim.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    No. No sympathy.

    Pity at the very most.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    I agree with BOC... Pity, at most.

    Thats not to say I wouldn't love to see every one of 'em embarrassed in a courtroom.

  • ziddina

    No sympathy whatsoever.

    They're profiting from an abysmally destructive organization that has caused suicides, pedophile rape, broken marriages, lost educations and incomes, to hundreds of thousands of people.

  • fakesmile

    please allow me to introduce myself, im here to place a tract

    ive been around this neighborhood, if you dont answer im coming back

    i read a watchtower how jesus christ returned in 1914

    made damn sure that russell drank a pint b4 his prophesy

    pleased to meet you my name is hennessy. lol

  • frankiespeakin

    Yeah,, but these old geezers are just trying to save their jobs, and have a place to live. To give up this dellusion means facing reality and I don't think they want to do that they have too much to loose. Reality is something to difficult for them, they are weak old men walking their last miles, to see reality after giving up so much to a worthless cause requires nerves of steel and a genuine love for the truth what ever it may be, they can't face it, denial, denial, denial.

    I don't think I would want to be in their shoes at this time in the history of the WTBTS corporation would you?

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    They face the same delusion as everyone else.

    And 47 ain't no "old geezer".

    Fuck 'em.

    They've had PLENTY of chances to come clean and be honest.


  • frankiespeakin

    Yeah 47 ain't an old geezer, I'm almost 60,, I'm talking about the majority, if they faced reality they have nowhere else to go, except maybe living on the street in a card board box, too late in life to make a career change or become window washer, it is a pretty hard reality to face up to the fact they are all a bunch over-the=hill false prophets.

  • frankiespeakin

    I wonder if this new guy on the GB team feels his dreams have come true or if he sees the dangers WTBTS corporation is faced with due to it dellusional bible prophecy interpetations. Anyway I would hate to be in his hopeless shoes, namely being in constant company with a bunch of control freeks who can not and will not face up to reality, and see demons and devils in harmless children's toys.


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