thanks king sol. like i said cagefighter it usually involves a personal agenda. killing an endangered species just cuz you can afford to can piss off quite a few ppl. your business had nothing to do with it. you were an innocent bystander. BUT guilt by association or somesuch.
What do you think of Anonymous?
by Cagefighter 22 Replies latest social current
and cagefighter, if someone told you they were involved with annonymous... they probably are not.
and i hate to hear about your business being affected by some crap that you had nothing to do with.
King Solomon
Fwiw, GoDaddy was considered the laughing stock in the industry by many tech-saavy types (Like Leo Laporte) long before today, and even before the elephant thing. Yeah, they're the WalMart, but that's the problem: they're the Walmart. I'd consider transferring to another host...
I wondered why my account went down. Hey, that was a great move, screw little people trying to feed their families. If you don't like how Godaddy does business, start your own company and we'll have an alternative.
My free online course was hosted by godaddy, so it was delayed. That's 75,000 students by the way.
SOPA is a terrible law. I think there was a lot of colateral damage that was unnecessay, but it is good to fight againt that law.
Like I said, Anonymous is not a group it is an idea. What one person does, another might not agree with it. IE #Anonyops seemed to not be as connected.
The thing is, CF, is they are not a well defined group. For the original, there are a few core members---but there are no official members. Anyone can hack a system and call themselves Anonymous. There is simply no way to check it out. What 'seems' to be the original movement is now going after pedophile sites, and they also got into the Scientology systems.
Who took down GoDaddy? We only know someone claimed responsibilty and claimed to be Anonymous. Maybe it was someone that hates Anonymous. Maybe it was Anonymous. Or maybe it was some kid in his parent's basement who liked the challenge. In fact, a lot of work done by Anonymous may just be kids on computers. Nobody really knows.
There are a lot of uninteded consequences to hacking systems, but it does grab attention. I'm not saying that makes it okay, but just pointing out that for their goals, it's pretty effective. For instance, I didn't know about the elephant shootings. I purchased a domain from GoDaddy, and I will remember that when the bill comes due again.
It's frustrating not knowing who exactly to be angry at. I suppose that's the way they want it, because they are anonymous. But like I said, whether what happened to you was connected with the original movement or not---no one can really say.
King Solomon
I couldn't remember their name when I posted last night, but Leo Laporte (of TWIT network) highly recommends, and I know he ported his domains from GD to there, years ago.
Here's an article on porting from GD:
I'm pretty sure that Leo has an offer code that is mentioned on their shows (hover is an advertiser, but Leo used them before that happened), and I'll add it if I can find it....
EDIT: Yup, here's the page for 10% Twit discount (Use the code TWIT at checkout). DNS transfer for $10:
For all of you that keep trying to tell me anonymous doesn't exist...ya ya I know... They are secret shadowy nothings like batman, I get it. SPOOOOKY....
Fact of the matter is someone took down Godaddy and screwed EVERYONE that had a domain registered through them. They can protest, curse, and boycott GoDaddy all day, but they have no right to interfere with my right to conduct business.
These kooks inspire eachother and yes I know Anonymous doens't have a CEO and office tower but SOMEONE IS DOING THIS, DUH! I might not be a terrorist raised in the hills of Afghanistan but if I call myself Al Queda and strap a bomb to my chest, GUESS WHAT HAPPENS?!?!?!?! PEOPLE DON'T CARE, IT'S OFF TO GITMO WITH THE REST OF 'EM.
Some of you buy into their Sh*t waaaay too much.
Newchapter, I agree Godaddy has brought some of this upon themselves apparently supporting SOPA and bad PR. However, what bothers me the most is they could not resist this attack and for that reason I am looking at other alternatives. My decision to not do business will be just as much mine as it was to do business in the first place. I won't be bullied by some spooky kids (that half this board claim doesn't exist) that are Vitamin D depeleted and were coddled as children too much to even run a lemonade stand much less a business like mine.
I am snort'n mad about this, so if anyone thinks I am being personal, I am not.