Tyrant David is an example of why all forms of Judeo-Christi-SCAM-ity and Islam are all immoral. Any book that pretends to uphold this scumbag is not worth the paper it's printed on, and neither is the religion worth the time it wastes to attend services.
To start, since when is it moral to murder people simply because they do not worship the same god you worship? Just go into a foreign land and slaughter everyone that doesn't worship your god, even though their Gods could well be a lot truer than Jehovah Tyrant. If David is the epitome of Judaism after doing that, he is worse than every anti-Semite on the planet put together. And the details are in the LIE-ble, proudly displayed for all to see. And, unlike the Bath-Sheba incident, Tyrant David was not the slightest bit sorry for invading foreign lands to slaughter everyone that doesn't worship his god because they don't worship his god. Tyrant David is a big embarrassment to any organization he claims to represent.
And this scumbag is the one that confiscated so much from the Gentile nations simply to build a stupid temple for his god. This certainly isn't anything to be proud of, yet the LIE-ble glorifies such actions! The LIE-ble glorifies every action that Tyrant David has done except the Bath-Sheba incident, the handling of the Ark, and his census problems (for sure the least of his problems). I am willing to bet that life under Tyrant David, which the LIE-ble and the Christians glorify so much, would be much more oppressive than under Nazi Germany, which Christians all vilify. For sure, I would never vote Tyrant David into office, not even for something like dog catcher.