The breastplate of the high priest of course.
Rumor Elders Will Receive Name Badges For Every Meeting.
by HelpMeBelieve 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I’m skeptical that this rumor is true, especially given the claims by the WTS that elder have no special “garb”—unlike Christendom. The speculation is fun though….
I can imagine it now. First the elders will get them, accompanied by a QFR which will outline the original Greek or Hebrew meaning of the word “garb” and how it specifically excludes name plates and any other non-clothing accessory. The it will cite the example of our convention badges, and how they serve as a witness.
Once they roll out badges for elders, then they can roll out separate badges for MS, auxiliary pioneer, regular pioneer, special pioneer, missionary, CO, DO, ZO, GB, etc., etc….the higher up you go, the more badges you get to wear!
As slimboyfat alluded to, soon you’ll go to the convention or Bethel and see people walking around with their chests covered in tags:
Theocratic Sedition
Something that assures me that this rumor is bologna, is the fact that there's hardly any visitors to a meeting anyway. When's the last time any of you had an RV that attended the meeting because you invited them to? When's the last time some random non-JW showed up to the meeting out of curiousity? "They dress so wholesome, I wonder how spiritually rich their meetings are? Guess I'm gonna have to go and find out!" That's never happened. We put out those retarded invitations inviting people to the Memorial and Special Talk, and for the latter there were no visitors present with the exception of ones who've faded and came only because of peer pressure an invitation from an active JW relative.
respectful_observer, great pic. Where'd you get it?
As I was looking at it I kept thinking, "Something's not right about that picture ... what is it? Hmmmm....."
Then I realized, the guy in the photo does NOT have a beard!
"Oooooh hey nice badge! How do I get one of those?"
"well let me show you brother....."
I agree with Miz, no newly interested person visits the Ministry School, they usually wait until the Sunday meeting. So all the high and mighty elders will just be walking around with a small piece of cardboard attached to their clothese to impressing each other.
Perhaps there will sometime in the future be an even "newer light" when Jehovah instructs all the braindead followers of this cult to start wearing those "Hi, my name is . . ." stickers that people where at business meetings.
This is probably a rumor, but I wouldn't doubt if steps are taken to differentiate the JW "clergy" from the "rank-and-file" in response to lawsuits.
This rumor may be related to elder's schools, which I think require identification.
OODAD, that was me at a drama rehersal a few years ago.
Just kidding! Good old Google image search. I had to laugh when I saw this because most of the pics were of men with beards, so I was thinking "oh, I'll have to make some comment like, '...except the beard of course.' So when I saw this one I couldn't resist!
When I read the Oct 15 WT , about the respect due to the elders (that they are "stars" in the right hand of Christ) and should not be criticized.... I was so incensed that I wanted to try and create a spoof letter from the CC of JW saying that they should be addressed as "Elder Bro XXXX " by the congregation...
Perhaps somebody else was incensed and suggested the badges (ironically) which became a rumour?