by Amelia Ashton 12 Replies latest jw friends
Jaime l de Aragon
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/emnfasLBXWQ?list=UUvUInEM0uKnMvYNh1H6aMdg&hl=es_ES" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sorry Amelia, looks like they got you good. And I never got to see Podgy the Hedgehog!
It looks like the masturbation video is gone. Can others confirm this?
Amelia Ashton
Yes, the original with nearly 1 million hits has gone and so has the version I made to the Macarena!
But it was mirrored loads and loads of times so it is still there if you search
LOL - they are desperate to look sane despite the fact we all know they are batshit crazy!
Amelia Ashton
Getting youtube to close my account is reeeeeally helping me to feel the love they profess to have as their identifying mark.
Well done Amelia ! all these instances of their inept knee-jerk reaction to the exposure of their "Bat Shit Crazy" status (thanks Cantleave, that is sooo apt !) will make it plain to anyone investigating them on-line that they are to be avoided, along with Scientology, the Moonies and sundry other weirdo Cults.