September 11, 2001- Where were you?

by SophieG 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • SophieG

    I work at a major airline in the In-flight Training Department. I was sitting at the desk on the computer, I kid you not… writing the Security (Hijacking) Curriculum for 2002, when someone came in and told me a plane flew into the WTC. We all thought it was one of our planes.

    I missed the 2 nd plane flying into the second building. I was so distraught thinking about the people who were on the floors about the wreckage, wondering HOW were they going to get down! After seeing the first building collapse, I had to be escorted out of the room. I remember thinking this must be the start of the Great Trib. I felt an inner burning fear I had never felt before and have not since that day.

    To give you an inside perspective of what happened behind the scenes that resulted in the sweeping changes of aviation security…it was a constant STRESSFUL change…almost something re-written every single day, for years. You have to understand that these terrorists rewrote the book on hijacking and what we practiced in the airline business prior to this event went flying out the door. We started from scratch. Emotionally charged in-flight employees, some scared, some airplane vigilantes, dealing with the introduction of the TSA, working with the FAA, writing/learning new procedures, folks wanting guns on the plane (they got that) or self defense courses, refitting of aircraft, looking at every passenger as a threat, crews kicking off people because they thought they were a threat…people walking away from the industry due to PTSD…it was a rollercoaster ride I will never forget. I ended up having a nice breakdown and was off work for 2 months.

    But despite what we endured, my heart still bleeds for those who lost loved ones in this senseless act. I still find it hard at times to believe that 9/11 really happened, it’s still surreal and I can only image how it must be for family members. We can probably say that this day has affected each one of us in some way, directly or indirectly.

    I will probably shed some tears today!

  • Red Piller
    Red Piller

    I work in a metropolitan area. I'll never forget the scene of 1000's of people emptying out all at once from all the buildings nearby.

    (I'm embarassed to say.) I was comforted, "knowing" that surely "The End" was near and this all fit into "Prophecy". At the same time, it was so unnerving to be paranoid around public transit and to see the fear in everyone's eyes.

    It is sad, the lives that were cut short.

  • WingCommander

    I am not lying when I say this, but even though I thought about Armaggedon, I did not FEEL as though this was the beginning. I looked at it more as my generations Pearl Harbor. The reason? I didn't think there were enough signs of being in the Great Tribulation beforehand, and also no one had turned on religion yet. I did however think that maybe this could be the start of the Great Tribulation, because if anything was going to piss people off enough to actually turn on a nutty, bloodthirsty religion like Islam, this event would surely be it. But of course it WASN'T, and we are all still here 11 years later. The only differance is that I'm not 11 years older. Sh*t.

    - Wing Commander

  • jgnat

    My daughter called me and told me. Ever the skeptic, I did not believe her. Until I pulled up the horrifiic photos on the internet. I remember the black, black smoke filling the side streets, overtaking the people. Grey people wandering in a daze, walking their way out of Manhattan across that bridge. The next day, the twisted girders. At our airport, the repeated warnings over the speaker system every ten minutes. It is like we had walked in to a whole new war zone.

    A nearer disaster affected me more deeply, though. Here in Edmonton we had Black Friday, a killer tornado that swept through a trailer park on the east end of town. That day was surreal, too. The transit system ground down to a crawl. Streets turned to rivers. Traffic lights in chaos. ... another storm approaching, not knowing if my children were safe. I got off the bus and ran to the sitters. As a second storm cell approached, we hustled to the basement, an listened to the storm rattle the house. That day, no-where felt safe.

  • 00DAD

    I was at home getting ready for another day at work. I had started my own business a little more than a year before.

    My best friend called and told me to turn on the TV. I ran downstairs and turned on the television. I couldn't believe what I was seening. It was all so unreal ...

  • SophieG

    Jgnat: I copied this from wikipedia: "The tornado remained on the ground for an hour..." WTH??? Oh wow that is crazy! Natural phenomenon like that scares have no control....

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Hate to admit it, but I was out in field service the entire day.

  • Mary

    I was sitting in my office when a co-worker came in and said "A plane just hit the World Trade Center in New York!" I thought it had been a small 2-seater plane that maybe had gotten lost in a fog and it crashed into the building. I said "That's awful!" and went back to work. About 20 minutes later she came back in and said "Another plane just hit the other tower!"

    We knew then that something was really wrong so we grabbed the keys to the Council Room (looks like a mini-UN room with 6 gigantic screens). We turned the huge screens on and watched in horror. I couldn't believe my eyes when the first tower fell. It reminded me of watching Independence Day for the first time.

    Still a day that will live in infamy.......

    25 Most Powerful Photos

  • panhandlegirl

    It was my day off of work. When I turned the tv on, I could not believe what was happening. When the second plane hit the second tower, I realized, as did everyone else, that America was under attack; something I never believed would happen. America attacked on it's own soil! I recalled what had happened in Oklahoma City. I felt so vulnerable. When the towers imploded, it was an unbelievable sight! I was scared for all those running away. It was like a horror movie, only it was real. AMERICA HAD BEEN ATTACKED. I was scared and angry. I never thought of Armageddon or the Tribulation. I mourned for America and those who were enduring the attack. Around 12 noon, I went to the bank to depostit a check, the teller would not take it, they were closing down the bank. I went to Walmart, the usually crowed store was nearly empty of people. Those people who were on the streets, honked their horns as everyone returned to their homes or places of work to keep up with what was occuring. It was a terrible and sad day for all Americans everywhere.

    My daughter had gone to a buyers show and could not get back home on a plane. She and other buyers were taken back home by others by automobile. She was in Minnesota and she lives in Idaho.

    SophieG, I'm sorry for what you suffered during that stressful time. I agree, we we all affected and changed by that dreadful day and its aftermath.


  • panhandlegirl

    cult classic, If you were out in fs all day, when did you find out that America was under attack? After you got home from fs? Did the householders not tell you what was happening in NY or Washington DC? What were the other

    active jws doing? I was already an xjwfor over 25 yrs by that time.


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